DIATOMACEOUS EARTH - DE - DIATOM, SMITE ORGANIC - whatever you - TopicsExpress


DIATOMACEOUS EARTH - DE - DIATOM, SMITE ORGANIC - whatever you want to call it, but PLEASE NOTE - its not all the same - Run of the mill DE is an absolute No Go, it must be 100% fresh water and food grade. Other DE that is sold on the cheap is not food grade but classed as filter grade, it has a very high silica content - Please read on, this is very important... Freshwater DE - derived food grade diatomaceous earth is the type used in agriculture for grain storage, as a feed supplement and as an insecticide. It is produced uncalcinated, has a very fine particle size, and is very low in crystal silica (60%) which is toxic, hence why it is calcinated before being sold. So when you see DE sold cheap - the seller must be able to provide you with its place of origin and its HSNO classification number. A perfect example is on trade me at the moment, someone selling it as safe for use with animals and/or for animal and human consumption - its $32.50 for 20kg. Please be careful people and dont be fooled - there are many many different DE grades. As for different names and brands - there is also a difference depended on where it comes from in the world. Some food grade DE doesnt quite have the same mineral content % as others. The higher mineral content (the better for you) are the coloured DE such as Smite Organic, these are still used as insecticides as well as feed supplements.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 05:58:28 +0000

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