DISCLAIMER AND WARNING: Before you read this Id like to warn you - TopicsExpress


DISCLAIMER AND WARNING: Before you read this Id like to warn you all that I am completely random xD and that could be frieghtening to some at times. A lot of people like to call me by my online alias t3h poni of d00m, which you may refer to me as such if youd like, GOTTA GO FAST(that was me being random by the way), as you read through my bio which only took me 2 minutes to write because of my superior fanfiction writing skills I hope you enjoy your ride through my insane mind!!11 Im a master troll and I have a particular set of skills(taken refernce for those that dont know) when it comes to the art of trolling. Ive been trolling since I saw it on the internet in 2008 (which i helped create btw). Im a classy guy who always wears a fedora, or a trilby (if u dont know what that is look it up). Im a ladies man with epic one-liners that make women swoon. I like PewDiePie on Youtube, hes my favorite Youtuber ever, Im kinda a gamer like him, but my channel doesnt have as many subscribers (Im up to 12 btw). Im also Brony, and for those of you who dont know what that is, its someone of the male gender that enjoys MLP (My Little Pony). If you dont like that then thats your own problem not mine. I have a lot of MLP buttons on my fedora as well, which I have acquired over my years at Bronycon. When it comes to other interests I really enjoy Anime (ohayo) such as Bleach, One Piece, Hi-Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, Soul Eater, Naruto, Highschool of the Dead, and Inuyasha. I also enjoy K-pop and Hatsune Miku (shes a vocaloid if youre ignorant to good music). My favorite foods include; Doritos, with a nice glass of refreshing Mountain Dew to wash it all down the hatch, and Instant Ramen for dinner! A lot of people dont eat Ramen the way theyre supposed to. The correct way to eat ramen(based on the otaku readers live journal 2012, which they took from REAL japanese human beings) is you need to slowly and lovingly cook the ramen with a wooden spoon(Only wood from the great bamboo bark tree of Japan) and put all herbs and spices in it as youre stirring it. Then you need to majestically dip the ramen into a Japanese style ramen bowl and there you go instant dinner! Most nights you can find me at home watching MLP or reruns of my favorite animes like Inuyasha, or something else I listed above. I also like to build on my collection of anime figurines, so far Ive collect 45 from all of my favorite animus and if you know of anywhere I can buy them cheap please tell me. Along with all of my other interests I enjoy cosplaying, and if you dont know what that is its when you take on the role of someone from your favorite animus and BECOME them. By that I mean your personality changes along with your dress, which normally I always wear a suit with a beautiful hand crafted fedora so taking the time to dress up as a favorite character is a big thing for me, and take on your own role as your character. So far Ive cospalyed as Bleach Characters, Sakura from Naruto and the almighty Dr. Who from BBC America(ty to you brits out there, and if youre American and dont know what Im talking about then you need to read a book once in a while). To elaborate on my Dr. Who cosplay I have ordered many AUTHENTIC items from thinkgeek, such as an authentic sonic screwdriver and the 11th doctors REAL coat. There is no other fan of Doctor Who that is as big of a fan as I am. The only thing as great as Dr. Who is Homestuck. Homestuck, for you that dont know, is a webcomic made by Andrew Hussey(a genius to the comic world, better than ANYTHING Stan Lee has had his writers and artists come up with.) and the catch is that its not only a webcomic its an actual interactive webcomic. I love to cosplay as a troll from Homestuck with my fellow homestucks and go to cons and make sure that everyone will KNOW and appreciate Husseys beautiful work. Now here is one other part of my life, that if youre going to get to know me you should know about. I am a HUGE, HUGE supporter of feminism. I believe that men have been taking a lead in the work force for too long!! I know Im a man myself but I go to feminist and gay rallys whenever I get the chance to support my fellow feminists. Im not going to let my gender oppress another gender like they have been for so long. Although, some people think because of this fact that Im totally against anyone elses opinion. Which is wrong, and by is wrong i mean Im against anyones opinion thats WRONG. And that kind of opinion is anyone who doesnt have the same opinion as me. Although I have a huge interest in anime my MAIN dream in my life(besides becoming a real pony) is that I want to be a stand-up comedian. My idols for stand up comics are Gabrielle Iglesias and Dane Cook as well as Jeff Dunham, and Kevin Hart. Althoguh my REAL idol after everyone else is Adam Sandler(Hey whered you get those shoes? LOSERS R US? (best joke Ive ever heard and have made thousands laugh in my weekly Skype stand-up calls) ) If that hasnt told you enough about me, you can always find me in the hallways keeping to my own becasue everyone sees me as that quiet kid but really Im not, and if youd like to speak with me you can always download a .pdf request form that I created on my blog to speak to me (everyone must get one before speaking to me)(mlp4life20percentcooler, look it up Im popular on Tumblr). I also am a huge, HUGE fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, its probably the worlds best video game ever. There are so many great characters its hard to choose a favorite, but if I had to say, it would probably be Shadow because he has a dark personality and he keeps to himself(kinda like me tbh) he also has really cool black quills and stuff. I like Sonic so much that I used some of my genius writing skills to write my own fanfictions and create my own characters(all copyrighted, dont steal my OC). Id like to meet new people but Im not interested in dating because I have a beautiful girlfriend. Her name is Sonikku_Fan_1998. Ive never met her but she sent me a picture of her face once, so I am sure she is beautiful. I treat her how every woman should be treated, not like those other jerks at my school who are always using girls, I think that is mean and I would never do that to anyone. As always, your favorite Otaku, Paul Franken, AKA t3h poni of d00m. Stay euphoric. P.S. Did someone say DESU~?! -John Sandberg
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 05:18:34 +0000

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