DO NOT BE CONCERNED ABOUT FACEBOOK FAKE MESSAGE! BUT DO HEED THESE WARNING TIPS TO STAY ONLINE-SAFE! Pranksters are at it once more, folk! They are sending around messages trying to convince users of Facebook that, unless you forward their WARNING to 15 others people they will shut you down. Baloney, dear Banana Heads. That is NOT how Facebook operates. If they wanted to let you know about ANYTHING they will contact you DIRECTLY and not via some bogus message sent by third-parties. Disregard ANY messages you may receive purporting to originate from Facebook but coming from someone else. I find this kind of thing hilarious and irritating at the same time. It is an insult to the intelligence of our Banana Heads. Other folk might believe this kind of crapola but NOT folk here on the Forum. Things such as this scare make the rounds on the Internet often. But, it takes a novice to actually believe them. And, THAT is what the pranksters are counting on --- people who are gullible and will believe anything sent to them online. Please make this your rule-of-thumb if you want to stay safe using the Internet: NEVER give out your detailed personal/private information NEVER bank online NEVER buy ANYTHING online NEVER put your passcodes or other numbers online in ANY type of file NEVER leave your computer on when not using (in fact, unplug it from the Internet cable/modem as crooks can actually turn it on for themselves!) NEVER open an email from someone/someplace you do not know NEVER respond to an email from someone/someplace you do not know (as they can steal your computer information very easily) NEVER put your vital information in computer files (NOPE, thats NOT what computers are for regardless of what the gurus try to tell you. Computers are for searching and word processing. Anyone who fills their computer with pertinent and sensitive information/materials is a fool) NEVER believe one ding-dang thing you read online without first checking it out via multiple searches and asking others The above is but the tip of the iceberg on things you must NEVER do when using your computer, email, messaging, searching, creating files, and getting on the Internet in general. If you want to be a FOOL, that is your business. But, remember this ... your foolishness can also bleed over into the computers of other folk whenever you communicate with them. So, think about it. Do you REALLY want to be a FOOL and make FOOLS out of your friends and family? Stay alert to scams and cons and dont let the malware into YOUR computer! And --- DONT ever say that you were not WARNED! :( Just another friendly tip from your Administrator here at The Brenham Banana-Press where we want you to remain safe and secure with us! :) For more reading about Facebook Hoaxes and Scams CLICK BELOW:;_ylt=AwrB8qE_4plUMz8AcxOJzbkF?p=facebook%20scams%20and%20hoaxes&fr=ush-mailn_02&fr2=piv-image&stype=web&
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:46:17 +0000

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