DO NOT RECIEVE THE MARK, ONCE A PERSON RECIEVES IT YOU CAN NOT ENTER HEAVEN, THE PERSON HAS SOLD THEIR SOUL, THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID FOR ON AND OFF THE CROSS!!! As I was studying the video, the Holy Spirit ministered unto me. His number 666, Stands for todays Technology, COMPUTER AGE, satellites, tracking devices, bar codes, the WWW in stands for 666, which ties in once again to a search engine, to find something, find someone, to locate, TODAYS TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER AGE!!! To have control of every individual, of knowing where they are at, at any given time, as mentioned in Revelation chapter 13, Of who can buy or sell, which only they that receive the mark can!!! With todays technology they can zoom in on an individual with a satellite sitting in their kitchen drinking coffee reading a book. HIS NAME, stands for the name of the BEAST/THE MAN/THE NATION that will enforce it, the one that is in control in this world. For example OBAMA CARE!!! THE MARK, RFID CHIP, BIO CHIP, is the implant, that those who receive will and already are receiving it in their right hand or in their forehead, as Gods word says SO THEY CAN BE MONITORED AT ALL TIMES it is their tracking device, the bio part changes the DNA of a person, and they even have a poison to where if someone disobeys they can activate the chip to release it and terminate the individual!!! ALL THREE, THE NAME, THE NUMBER, THE MARK, TIE INTO THE FINAL ANTICHRIST, THE SON OF PERDITION, THE FINAL RUIN which is what perdition means, the name of the angel of the bottomless pit which is the king over the people spoken of in Revelation chapter 9-11 Abaddon the name stands for DESTRUCTION!!! Good study for the end times. Many Christians working hard to educate us in these end times, to help make each other aware of where, who, what is all part of the enemy, which is out to deceive the masses. Our Lord God says, to study to show our selves worthy of His calling, to be aware of the wiles (strategies) of the devil, to observe all things!!!! St. Matthew chapter 28 VS 19-20 Go you therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS whatsoever I HAVE COMMANDED YOU: and, lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD. Amen. KJV
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:12:56 +0000

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