DO YOU HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST? I find it very disturbing when something unnecessary is added to the Gospel. The use of the term Personal Savior isnt very harmful in itself, but it shows a kind of mind - set that is willing to invent terms, and then allow these terms to be preached as if they were actually found in the Bible. But why must we do this? Why must we add needless, almost meaningless things to the Gospel? It is because weve taken so much out that we have to replace it with spiritual double talk. Thats right, double talk! Would you ever introduce your sister like this: This is Sheila, my personal sister?! Or would you point to your navel and say, This is my personal bellybutton? Ridiculous! But nevertheless, people solemnly speak of Christ as their personal Savior, as if theyve got Him right there in their shirt pocket - and as if when He returns, He will not have two, but three titles written across His thigh: King of kings, Lord of lords, and PERSONAL SAVIOR! (See Rev. 19:16.) This is only one example of how a non-biblical term can be elevated to reverence by the Church, as if to say, Well even if it isnt in the Bible - it should be! ~Keith Green And may I add, when something is personal we tend to want to keep it to ourselves. I have a personal relationship with my wife. Do you honestly think I want to share her with other men? No! This is the same concept of having a personal relationship with Jesus. Many times Ive ask people about their relationship with The Lord to hear, Well, my relationship with Him is a private matter. A PRIVATE MATTER??? Did not our Lord COMMAND US to talk about Him and the gospel? Do you honestly think that the 12 disciples kept their relationship with Jesus a secret? We must move away from traditions of men to a Higher Godly call and proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Friend. Personally myself, I dont like to use the term, I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I prefer to say, I have a POWERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS! And I desire to share it with YOU! Blessings. #BroJoe
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:51:43 +0000

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