DONS FEED WHOSE PIG, N.O.W.? Whose harvest ripe among Tims HAY - TopicsExpress


DONS FEED WHOSE PIG, N.O.W.? Whose harvest ripe among Tims HAY FEE? She gets away with GENOCIDES! 12,21,12; ASK! When will they ever hold themselves accountable? Sophies gog v MAgog--self-fulfilling profits seas of doom. Ukraine,Sophies; TICKLERS and $2 buys coffee at Starbucks! Whose rainbow filters whose light (beng.haze daze--confusions) over whose throne? SatURN, PhoenIX; ASK! What is the difference between a throne and a phoenix? One has martyrs and the other has ashes--or, is it the other way around? THEY ALL CRY OUT; HEAL THIS TIME! Unified Combatant Command, any wise? anna kim Reap him ((yeah, coach; we got shit to do)) https://youtube/watch?v=xRDEsj8Dllk Commanders know war = failure of the judges; 4th REICH = dead already! It was the kindness they done. (We love vengeances with dynasty thoughts). ...Now I am often asked how one does appropriately reconcile their perceptions of reality and their expectations. With this question, I respond with a story I enjoyed some time ago, when I was still in college. It goes like this…. There was once a frog who desired to become a prince. Finally, as the story goes, a princess kissed him. SHAZAMM! The frog became a prince. After the hoopla had died down from everyone celebrating (“money for everybody”,) the prince asked the princess: “Why would a princess kiss a frog?” You could have cut the air with a knife! There was a hush over the crowd, the princess turned red. She put her chin to her chest and with trembling lips gave her answer: “Because I too was once a frog.” The moral to the story is that we’re all frogs. Our worth is affirmed by those whose worth we affirm. When we act in such a way as to affirm the worth of those around us (their perception of our worth being based upon how important we are to them,) they affirm our worth in their own minds. When we come to the wisdom of our own intrinsic value and worth, we lose our obsessions to those things we previously perceived made us to become ‘princes’ and ‘princesses.’ When we comprehend our own intrinsic value and worth, we become secure, and can be considerate, and affirm the worth of our ‘fellow frogs’—even if having to compete against them. Having become secure, we are then compelled not to flee from insecurity and challenges, but are motivated to achieve truly greater goals. We may even lose our perception we need to keep a point system in place against our competition. We can lose the perception of ourselves as victims. We can reanalyze the half empty cup as now half full. We may lose our perception as dysphoric, and change to content, and even euphoric. We may even come to understand the value of Joseph. In a nutshell, it’s humility. Humility is not just something associated with shame or shame insurance. Humility has its own intrinsic value. It provides the wisdom to know the difference. Humility provides the wisdom to appropriately change the things I can and should, to accept the things I can not change, and the good judgment to know the difference. Justice is the Fulfillment of One’s Responsibilities and Privileges So many, while reading this article will desire to better attempt to define their expectations. This is done to better address their wills or compulsions. This will ultimately force one to question the meaning of “justice.” If one were to question 100 attorneys as to what the meaning of justice is, there would probably follow over a 100 different answers. Most of the definitions from the attorneys most closely resemble Thrassimacus’ definition; “…whatever those in power define it as.” Plato, in his writing, “Republic,” dedicates his first chapter to Justice. An interesting (fictional?) dialogue between his mentor, Socrates, and Thrassimacus is contained within that first and most important chapter, “Justice.” Our wills, or compulsions, (or if we have an OCD, our addictions) to perceive ourselves as something other than that which we are, often result in us owning Thrassimacus’ horrendous [but most popularly accepted] definition. This often forces us to improperly rationalize our actions. This creates “two realities” in our minds. Our OCD directs us to extend our wills to [improperly] control that which is not ours to control. From these two (or more) realities another phenomenon, results—cognitive, emotive dissonance. I will leave the subject of “cognitive, emotive dissonance” to others in the psychological specialties to address. Suffice it to say, it is when everything starts getting messed up from multiple wrong paradigms and perspectives. This is actually the experience in which most of us truly live. Thus, we not only wrestle in our experiences of two (or more) pasts, but two (or more) presents and two (or more) futures. Now we know that in any field of expertise, one is granted a certificate with “the privileges and responsibilities thereof.” When we manage our wills or compulsions to limiting the fulfillment of our own privileges and responsibilities, we all are just--we have but one reality. In good faith, we will be able to explain our responsible responses, when under stressed circumstances, we are compelled to extend our privileges in order to address an unusual responsibility. Life is full of those. Address them with humility. Humility is most the important intrinsic force in our lives. Humility is the arbitrating energy that reconciles justice with mercy--for others, and our selves. We are all temporal creatures that experience challenges and failures. Without humility, we live lives filled with denials and cognitive emotive dissonance. Without humility, we are confused and burdened with multiple pasts, presents and futures and are ultimately in denial of our addictions and false realities. Humility reminds us that our ultimate goal is to be servants to one another--to support their value and worth. Our suffering servant, reminded his closest followers of this constantly. His last example, prior to last full measure of his sacrifice, was to wash his students feet! How much more can this example be witnessed of combining the fulfillment of ones privileges and responsibilities in a humble manner than when parents deny themselves their own rewards in order to reward their children? I am reminded of a story shared with me by a gentleman who recounted, years before, his own experience adopting his daughter. His wife and he could not produce a child and had set out to the big city of Knoxville, TN, hours away, to finally see the four year old girl they had read about in a profile. This crusty old coal mine owner and truck salvage man then relayed to me how, after driving several hours on a two lane road; upon arrival, they were told to just sit and watch her play for a time prior to their personal introduction. After about thirty-minutes, the social worker asked if they were then ready to personally meet and went to bring the sweet little girl over to be introduced. After about another thirty-minutes, the new parents-to-be looked over at each other and nodded to acknowledge their positive decision. The social worker noticed and without summons, came to tell the little girl that she would need to come with her to get some things in order to stay with her new older friends and took her away. About that time, a slightly older boy, previously playing with the little girl; came up and asked if they were there to adopt Sally? They replied in the affirmative and the little boy looked down for a moment. He then looked up with teary eyes; Mister, thats my sister. Would you consider adopting me too? A gulp, a glance to his wife, an affirming nod from her and he shared--Yes son, were going to adopt you too; if youll have us. Very Personal Applications --from the New Model of Addiction This new model of addiction was first introduced during a $5.2B OxyContin/Purdue Pharma class action suit. It prevailed in this suit, and has become the legal and scientific standard. This model argues that addiction is a manifestation of an Obsessive Compulsive disorder. Subsequent to its introduction, a political/legal controversy has resulted in Washington D.C. regarding what should be done to promote this new model within the healthcare system and what to do with the official history of its author--Dr. Norton
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:42:30 +0000

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