Daily Dose of Deborah Sunday, December 14, 2014 Priorites. - TopicsExpress


Daily Dose of Deborah Sunday, December 14, 2014 Priorites. I never used to LIKE this word. To me.. it meant giving up something I enjoy to take care of the things that really matter. How many times have you thought.. Oh I cant do such and such today, bc its not a priority ..? Recently I was reflecting on how my life has .. slowed down. A lot..! I am not a crazed busy person anymore. Ive created a balance to my life. I have reset my priorities. Guess what is my top priority? ME. I HAVE learned, that I MATTER ! And I have learned enough about myself at this point to have gotten honest with myself over what works for ME. I left a marriage that wasnt good for ME. I created a career that IS good for ME. I have found a home that suits ME. I have taken classes, workshops, gone to therapy and meditate.. all to help ME understand and love MYSELF. The list goes on and on here... Ive done all of these things OVER time.. It didnt happen overnight! Somewhere along the line, we learned that putting ourselves first is selfish. But guess what has occurred since I have made myself a priority? I wake up HAPPY. I am SO present with my children. I actually LOVE spending time with them. and its actual QUALITY time.. ! I am a MUCH more patient and in tune mother. I am clear headed and can make decisions with confidence. I have SO much more time, energy and motivation to help my children, tend to all relationships , put into my work, and help OTHERS. I LIKE my routines. I have more inner freedom. I never feel guilty for not living up to others expectations of me. I do what I like, which makes having to do the things I DONT like, MUCH more bearable. (and there are lots of those things!) I am braver - I ry new things. I think of new challenges for myself. I have a wonderful relationship with a man I love! I have friends I love to spend time with! I tend to be more creative.. I am more productive. I am not anxious. I am not angry. I am not insecure! The list goes on and on!!.. My Point.. IS MAKE YOURSELF YOUR PRIORITY. THEN EVERYTHING else can fall into its proper places! Dont say you cant.. Its ONLY YOU who holds YOU back !! Name ONE thing that is currently possible you really need to give to yourself in the near future... MAKE YOU, MATTER!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:50:00 +0000

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