Dark Part in our Assyrian History What Happened and How; 1991 - TopicsExpress


Dark Part in our Assyrian History What Happened and How; 1991 – 2014? Kurdish infiltrated successful, in 1991, all Assyrian organizations, including Assyrian Christian churches, social and cultural clubs and took control on all Assyrian political parties offices in the occupied Assyria, and forced them by acts of duress, assaults, kidnaping, killing, as well as, confiscation of businesses and properties to agree with Islamic Kurdish’s (kurdish-barazani) occupation of north of Iraq, the heartland and homeland of the indigenous Assyrian people. All Assyrian political parties and other social and cultural organizations became forced subjugated, and new Assyrian organizations were fabricated and created, as they were all made by Islamic Kurdish (kurdish-barazani) armed terrorist organization. This happened since year 1991, in order for Islamic Kurdish to gain help to destroy, divide and create a state for Kurdish in the indigenous Assyrian homeland, in north of Iraq. Kurdish needed to implement their secret scheme, and that required Assyrian collaborators, conspirators, and those whom do the selling. One might ask. How can our Assyrian people outside north of Iraq know about the danger, suffering, and forced control of our Assyrian existence be known when the distortion of truth have taken over by the work of collaborators, deceivers, traitors, whom mask their faces with a smile, along with their slogans, flag waving, asking Assyrian for their support? How can we unearth the truth? The Assyrian Traitor Younadam Kanna, a declared self-Assyrian, was choose as the one of many best candidates, in Kurdish list of collaborators, to carry out all destructive orders against Assyrian national cause. The Kurdification of north of Iraq, making Assyrian Kurdish, got help from many collaborators, one of them was Younadam Kanna, whom deceived Assyrians, and whom told Kurdish terrorists armed force to close all Assyrian political offices in north of Iraq, and to allowed only Assyrian Democratic Movement, (Zowaa), and install Kanna, to become the Warlord of ADM. Kanna got the qualifications Kurdish needs, such as, Kanna concerns with making money, has lack of Integrity, excellent deceiver, and has no interest in Assyrian nationalism. Interesting to know is to count other games played upon Assyrian. Since 1991, up to this year 2014, money collected from Assyrian donations, for the cause, to help Assyrian in Iraq, and in particularly, Assyrians in north of Iraq, using a name Assyrian Aid Society, were fictionist causes. Assyrian in Iraq and in particularly, in north of Iraq gained help from money donated by the United Nations, as well as, from the Assyrians whom worked for Kurdish, such by Sargis Aghajan. Aghajan paid for building churches, schools, paid salaries, and paid pensions that came from newly established Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). Zowaa and its Assyrian Aid Society gained financial donations that were funnelled for Kanna’s business corporations and personal investments, and for his families. There has been no list or record of help given for Assyrians, whom many of them died didn’t have financial power to pay for medical expenses. Assyrian Aid Society collected financial donations to help any Assyrian in any country whom needed help especially Assyrian refugees. Assyrian Aid Society has not published their financial statements, nor made them availably, and there is no known accounting examinations done on their financial statement(s). Kurdish negative interference in Assyrian affairs helped to break down Assyrian communities, forcing Assyrian to become kurdified, with forced Kurdish language and ideology upon Assyrian, have deprived freedom and liberty to speak freely, along with not allowed to engage in any Assyrian cultural or national events without waving Kurdish flags. Kurdish terrorist Barazani’s organization established fictionists Assyrian political parties, fictionist Assyrian social and cultural organizations for the purpose of distorting public opinion, assimilating Assyrian to become Kurdified, and to hide Human Rights abuse, including criminal activities committed against the Assyrian indigenous peaceful people in the north of Iraq.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:44:58 +0000

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