Day 12 Malaysian plane mystery: US military base on Diego Garcia - TopicsExpress


Day 12 Malaysian plane mystery: US military base on Diego Garcia atoll IS involved Submitted by SteveMT on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 14:26 Peace / War Does anyone else smell a rat close by? This incident is beginning to stink of American involvement. Nothing like it has ever occurred in aviation history. Cell phone calls not able to be traced; no radar tracings; transponders turned off; no wreckage spotted; and a large plane with 239 people aboard vanishes without a trace. Enter the secret military base at the Diego Garcia atoll, which has a huge runway and is four hours flying time from Malaysia. Only government personal with a high security clearance work there; clearly visible are over a dozen B52 aircraft on the 2014 satellite Google Map. With the tens of billions of dollars needed to build and maintain this facility, Diego Garcia must have its own dedicated satellite surveillance system that would show any aircraft, ships, or submarines getting even remotely close to this facility. However, the level of sophistication of its radar is classified and unverifiable. With the plane now missing for twelve days (266+ hours), the thinkables have become unlikely and so the unthinkables have become possibilities. This is pure speculation NO LONGER, or so it would seem! Maldives island residents reported sighting of low flying jet on the morning of the planes disappearance that was finally reported on twelve days after the fact. The pilot of the missing plane had a home flight simulator, which was been reported twelve days later to contain the landing simulation program of the Diego Garcia runway along with four other runway approaches in the region. Whether any, all, or none of this information is true is still a matter of conjecture. What remains a fact is that not a trace of the Malaysian 777-200ER has been found. At his daily news briefing on 3-18-14, WH spokesperson Jay Carney has denied any involvement of the Diego Garcia facility with the disappearance of flight MH370. ----------------------------------------------- Did Missing Flight MH370 Land In The Maldives Or Diego Garcia 3-18-14 zerohedge/news/2014-03-18/did-missing-flight-... -------------------------------------------------------- Maldives island residents report sighting of low flying jet Mar 18, 2014 - 02:55 Residents of the remote Maldives island of Kuda Huvadhoo in Dhaal Atoll have reported seeing a low flying jumbo jet on the morning of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cops find five Indian Ocean practice runways in MH370 pilot’s simulator March 18, 2014 “The simulation programmes are based on runways at the Male International Airport in Maldives, an airport owned by the United States (Diego Garcia), and three other runways in India and Sri Lanka, all have runway lengths of 1,000 metres. “We are not discounting the possibility that the plane landed on a runway that might not be heavily monitored, in addition to the theories that the plane landed on sea, in the hills, or in an open space,” the source was quoted as saying. themalaymailonline/malaysia/article/cops-find... ------------------------------------------------------------- MH370: Pentagon has indications that the missing plane may be in the Indian Ocean March 14, 2014 An official from the United States (US) revealed “indications” that Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 which went missing since March 8, may have crashed into an area where the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea merge and are sending the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching, reported ABC news. The official, however told ABC News that they needed 24 hours before the ship could be deployed to the area. US military base Diego Garcia [has an huge runway] is located at the Indian Ocean.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:26:29 +0000

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