Day 3...thankfulness challenge. I apologize upfront- this could be - TopicsExpress


Day 3...thankfulness challenge. I apologize upfront- this could be a long one - I cant help it :-) 1. I am thankful for my sissy Kelli Williams Its hard to put into words how much she means to me. All of my life she has been there for me in so many ways. As a little girl so patient with me as I was the little sister always hanging around her and her friends, even hiding in the back seat on dates and she still didnt kill me. Sleeping on the floor of her room because I just couldnt wait for her to get back home. Saving my barbies from sure death from the neighbors Chihuahuas. As I grew up she was my safety net, if Kelli was around I knew I was safe no matter what. Her home has always been my hideaway place. A place I can go to and escape from everything. Be myself, sad, happy, silly, sleepy or mad she loves me as I am and is just happy Im there. She has been my rock at times when the odds seem stacked against me. Helps me research this or that and assure me it will be ok. She is everything you would could want a big sister to be. There are millions of stories, special moments But it comes down to, I love you my sissy. Thank you for loving me. 2. I am thankful for my sister Traci Rice Inglet and the relationship we have today and worked so hard for. Most people would not know today that Traci and I really didnt speak much for almost I would say at least 5 years. We have done the work and Im so thankful we have. I have always known in my heart she had my back. I thought she was a superhero when she jumped the fence as kids to save me from the neighborhood girl. Without hesitation Traci will come when I call and no one stops her. She ran down blocks to save me and my house from the neighbors fire. Came running the day I made mustard gas trying to super clean my house and almost passed out from the fumes. Then there are the times when Im physically at my weakest. She will come blazing in and save the day. I have always marveled at her strength. Not just physically but emotionally as well. She has an inner strength that has carried her though some really tough times. And the first one to be crazy silly, the littlest thing setting her off to quote everything line from Grease or Coal Miners Daughter. She loves me just as I am and Im so very thankful that we have become so close again. I love ya Jose! 3. I am thankful for my brother, John Inglet III, yes technically brother in law- but to me - my brother. His heart is as big as he is and he seems to know the exact perfect time to come to the rescue. Of course I love the way he loves my sister and niece and little man.. but its the brotherly things he does for us that set him apart from just a brother in law. Hes the hardest working man I know (since my dad retired). His mind is as sharp as a surgeons scalpel. His heart as soft as a down pillow. I love how he stayed the weekend with me and didnt let me get up for anything (doctors orders) He let me cry on his shoulder when my green house blew away, LOL! He will surprise you out of nowhere - what is that sound - oh is John mowing the lawn for Chris because he has pneumonia. John help Chris has turned his finger black putting in a dimmer - yep here again. John help Chris dropped and broke my brand new painting. John help there is a huge spider on the wall, Im 8 months pregnant stuck on the counter and Chris wont be home for hours and I have to pee! I could go on forever, there are a million John help moments and he never hesitates to come to my rescue. I love you Johnny!!! okay Angie now Im writing novels like you!!! Arg! The above is a look into the stories we tell, the laughter and love we share. I now challenge Kelli Williams, John Inglet, Chris Buckman, Jackie Buckman, Gwynn Rice (would have challenged Traci, but she is to impatient to wait) to posting 3 things you are thankful for, for 5 days. More challenges to come over my next two days... :-)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:27:32 +0000

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