Days remembered in Key West as a young boy playing in the island - TopicsExpress


Days remembered in Key West as a young boy playing in the island environment. My brother loved to go down to the pier to fish and mom would say take your brother with you. Tagging along, I grab his tackle box and off we went. I was not much of a fishermen compared to my brother and my attention span was that of any kid at that age. My brother would try and catch the needle fish, as he said they would put up a little fight, making it more fun and more of a challenge for him. Myself, however, something else caught my eye. Near the front side of the pier, close to the rocks, where these shiny fish displaying every color of the rainbow huddled in a group. Dangling my feet over the side of the pier just watching the show nature had provided. Good times! Of course little did I know I would go on a trip with my dad that I would never forget! One weekend my dad had scheduled a fishing trip with one of his friends. I was the lucky one that was tagged to go on this trip. Early that Saturday morning we left to meet up with the waiting friend and his vessel down by the docks. My dad and I got on board what seemed to me was a huge boat. This thing had a large deck and a cabin that led into a large area that looked like a small room with kitchen and sleeping beds. I said to myself Wow this is neat!. The engines were started and off we went. I settle in, sitting on the deck seat enjoying the ride. Hours went by bouncing up then down, down then up, up then down. Luckily I never got sick just bounced around, up then down, down then up. Ok enough, I think you get the picture! This went on for what seemed like forever. Did I mention my attention span was short at that age and now boredom was setting in. After several hours and again what seemed like forever, we arrived at our destination. A reef surrounded by an amazing view. Boredom soon turned to excitement at the view from the boat. You could literally see right to the bottom of what looked like a huge aquarium of the largest fish I had ever seen. There were so many different and colorful fish and coral that I was too young to identify. Just under the boat was the biggest fish I had ever seen, that later I was told, was a grouper. It was the biggest, fattest fish I had ever seen. I said to my dad lets catch that one!. Pointing to the grouper. He laughingly and quickly said we dont have the strength on board to pull one of those up! That day we caught some fish, I say we, as I just watched as each fish was put in the ice cooler near by. Time came to leave this paradise. We traveled what seemed like hours again arriving at one of the outer islands and dropping this big large metal thing over the side. Engines off, my dad and his friend started cleaning some of the fish we caught making large slabs of fish to be cooked on the skillet awaiting inside the cabin. We dined on fish and grits that evening. That was the first time I had tried grits as my nose wrinkled displaying my dislike. The fish however was great! After dinner we sat out on the deck. The sun was now almost setting in the distant. Nightfall was approaching and a Key West sunset beautiful beyond belief was before my eyes! I thought I had seen it all and If the trip had ended at that moment, I would say it was an awesome time. Then the sun sizzled its way out of sight and darkness settled in and little did I know the show was just about to start. Looking up was the most amazing site that you could never describe unless you were there. Every star was glowing brighter then I had ever seen in my short life! So cool! I was mesmerized for hours. There was definitely no attention span to get in the way. Hours went by and dad said time for bed. I settled in on one of the cots in the cabin and off to dreamland I went. The next morning I awoke to the crackling sound of bacon cooking in the skillet. My dad almost ready to scramble the eggs and breakfast was served. We ate and I walked out on deck as again the sun was sizzling up slowly off the ocean floor in the distant, making its way up to start the day. We then pulled up that big metal thing, correction, I had at that point learned it was called an anchor. We pulled closer to the island. Dad said we are going to shore. We jumped over the back of boat into the water and waded to shore. I noticed my dad carrying bags under his shoulder. I said What are those for?. He quickly said youll see in a few minutes. We got on shore and walked around the island till we came across these blue crabs that were all over the shore. My dad had grabbed a few sticks and proceeded to walk up to the blue crabs. Aiming the stick close to the crab, the blue crab would latch on to the stick and he would toss it into his bag. I was amazed. I said can I try? He said sure just be careful. I placed the stick by the blue crab, he grabbed onto the stick with one of his big claws. Quickly startled I let go of the stick and ran. I did mention earlier that I was not much of a fishermen right? Now with bags in hand we headed back to the boat. We then headed back to our original destination. Arriving home, exhausted, tired, showered and to bed I went. That Sunday my dad invited people over for his crab stew recipe. Yum yum! Although the events are true, the story...well indeed I may have embellished a little. But it does not change the facts that this tall man with a big heart left a deep impression on this young child. I am sure my other 2 brothers and sister can attest to the lasting impression he left with them as well. My dad has since long departed from this world. However these fond memories live on. Days I remember, days I can never forget. You see my dad never told me how to live my life, he lived life and let me watch him do it!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 01:38:51 +0000

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