Dear Beloveds! The 11-11 day only occurs once a year, and 11 - TopicsExpress


Dear Beloveds! The 11-11 day only occurs once a year, and 11 represents a Gateway. By writing or drawing the number 11, we can literally see a Pillar/Gateway forming. This is a portal to the next level of our Souls journey of expansion. Recently I keep receiving a lot of messages about allowing ourselves to boldly and courageously step into the journey of even higher awareness. A lot of us are integrating that awareness as pioneering Souls who plant the seeds of higher dimensional Existence. Yes, we can tap into it, but can we also align all of our life with it? Can we arrange everything in our life in a way that it completely mirrors and matches our new sense of awareness and Soul freedom? Yes, it takes courage to walk through these Spirit initiations, but its how we become Pillars of Light, planting the seeds of awareness for everyone else to follow the journey of Divine Love. We are moving onto a new level of expression as well, as our physical expressions and manifestations always follow our inner changes. 11 represents illumination, and that is what is happening Now. I have just read that even the word Light adds up to 11 in numerology. Light is information, and this leads to pure awareness. When the 11-11 code is activated, we can have access to other dimensions and Wisdom from the Stars. There are parallel realities/dimensions here and Now, and by deeply immersing in the 11-11 vibration, we can bring ourselves into a space of Unity of All. We can call upon various aspects of our Self and access this higher awareness available to us. With the 11-11 vibration, we can visualize these parallel realities and bring them into Oneness through awareness. This way, we can always call on and activate any part of our Greater Self, but why not instead feel them all as One? With an 11-11 vibration, all of these can be in perfect alignment, and Spirit and matter become One. The key here is not just accessing this awareness, but bringing it into conscious embodiment. That is why we are here as Ascension Pioneers. And even the numerology of this day adds up to a 1 Universal day, so we have 11-11 moving through and into One. During my Gateway meditation, Spirit showed me 11:11 numbers as they can appear on a digital clock. Then I was guided to bring them together into just 11, and then even closer together, so that only 1 remains. This is the representation of how everything always moves back to the One, and from the One it emanates again. When we have a 1 vibration, it is always a message of our unique Soul expression (individualization of Source), where we learn to become Self responsible and consciously co-create. Everything in awareness creates, so we are asked to become the conscious observer and observe everything from our thoughts, emotions and deeper feelings ... and then bring them all into One as well ... this is how Spirit knowing is created ... and how it remembers itself again through Divine remembrance. This is the two (polarization) within One ... forming One yet again ... by creating the third. It truly is a powerful vibration ... so lets make it a continuation and lets hold it daily ... within each Now moment! Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 11:58:51 +0000

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