Dear Cyndi: Could the Obama presidency -- embroiled in scandal - TopicsExpress


Dear Cyndi: Could the Obama presidency -- embroiled in scandal after scandal -- be crumbling before our eyes? Today, Congress is going back into session after a one-week recess, and I can promise you the union bosses aren’t waiting around to find out. After spending hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars to install and reinstall President Obama in the White House, Big Labor is DEMANDING payback NOW on their entire radical agenda (while they believe they can still get it). And as for President Obama, you and I both know desperate men do desperate things. So Cyndi, as you’ll see, I’ve created a special NO BIG LABOR BAILOUT petition to your U.S. representative and senators that is absolutely critical you sign IMMEDIATELY. Without your action, I’m afraid the union bosses could end up getting EVERYTHING they want. . . I know there’s no telling where the Obama Administration’s IRS or reporter wiretapping disgraces will lead. But Attorney General Eric Holder is now being fingered for perjury charges. And President Obama is claiming he knew nothing about the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups -- even after meeting with the IRS head more than 160 times! That’s nearly DOUBLE the visits of any member of Obama’s cabinet! I don’t know about you, but I smell a rat. And you and I both know Big Labor didn’t unload its campaign war chest to re-elect President Obama to a second term to walk away empty handed. But the union bosses are seeing the same news reports you and I are -- and growing more worried by the second. That’s why the union bosses are doing everything they can to grab an IMMEDIATE and massive “return” on their “investment,” including: *** Confirmation of Obama Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez, who used his power as Maryland’s Secretary of Labor to grease the skids for childcare provider unionization, hand political appointments to Big Labor bedfellows and intimidate and pressure employers on behalf of Communication Workers of America union bosses; *** NLRB “package deal” confirmation by the U.S. Senate, so the five-member Big Labor-controlled board could instantly move to consent to the 1,600 outrageous union-label decisions made while Obama’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL “recess appointments” were controlling the board; *** Police and Firefighter Forced Unionism, which would establish national union control over police and firefighters as a precursor to the forced unionization by federal fiat of ALL state and local public employees. When this bill was last voted on in the U.S. House in 2007, nearly 100 House Republicans supported the legislation! I’m afraid union bosses are banking on the same thing this year to go along with easy passage in the Senate. Worse, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is publicly discussing the possibility of imposing the “nuclear option” -- BANNING the Senate filibuster for presidential appointments. With a 55-45 Senate majority, that would mean virtually ANY radical nominee President Obama puts up for any position (including the Supreme Court) would be rubber-stamped by the U.S. Senate without a second thought. Not only that, but it would set the stage for the total destruction of the Senate filibuster and passage of Big Labor’s number-one priority -- “Card Check!” If passed, “Card Check” would strip workers of their right to a secret ballot election and FORCE hundreds of thousands of small businesses and millions of workers under union boss control. That’s why signing your NO BIG LABOR BAILOUT petition is so urgent. You see, the Obama Administration’s scandals have outraged many Americans -- regardless of political persuasion. So some experts are predicting they’re setting up union-label Democrats for a massive shellacking in 2014 . . . So I’m worried some GOP leaders in BOTH houses of Congress could be thinking it’ll just be that much bigger if they bail out the union bosses with a legislative bone or two and “move to the center.” And Cyndi, there’s no telling what the union bosses are promising behind closed doors right now. That’s why your decisive action is so critical. Won’t you please sign your NO BIG LABOR BAILOUT petition right now? And if you can, I hope you’ll agree to a generous financial contribution, as well. I don’t know what you can afford. Perhaps you can give as much as $50 to help the Committee fight back against Big Labor’s radical schemes. I know that might seem like a lot. But, as I mentioned, the union bosses aren’t wasting any time. I’m afraid these fights are going to move FAST. I need to begin mobilizing as many Americans as possible -- not next month, not next week, but NOW. National Right to Work Committee staff are standing by, preparing to contact up to 12 million Americans using mail, email and our state-of-the-art phone banks. But I may need to be prepared to run hard-hitting Internet, radio and TV ads, as well. Sincerely,
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 23:11:41 +0000

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