Dear Friends In light of the controversial Noah movie which was - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends In light of the controversial Noah movie which was released in cinemas, please find below a Statement by His People Church compiled by Ps Gareth Stead and endorsed by Ps Gillian Davids and Ps Roger Pearce. Statement by His People on Noah The Movie Noah the movie is not based on the Bible at all. It is based on mystical and esoteric traditions arising from the Gnostics of 2nd Century AD who compiled a book called the Kaballah. While these mystical re-interpretations of Noah have Genesis as their original source, their main purpose is to subvert the original story. Director Darren Aronofsky, a self-professed atheist, admitted to it when he said that he set out to make the least biblical movie. But he could have been more honest by saying he used the Kaballah as his primary source text. The co-screenwriter, Ari Handel, also blatantly lied to con Christian audiences when he said that they tried to stay as true to the biblical text as possible. Ster-Kinekor and Nu Metro promote the movie as a ‘biblical epic.’ They and the movie trailers are deliberately misleading people. Paramount issued a disclaimer due to adverse publicity they have received in the USA which basically said if you want to know the real story of Noah you must read the Bible. If you take the 15 minutes or so needed to read Genesis chapters 6-9, you will find out that there are glaring differences. The movie says “in the beginning there was nothing.” This should be no surprise to us since the movie is made by an atheist. The Bible opens “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The movie portrays Noah as a psychopathic madman and environmentalist. The Bible says Noah was a righteous man who found favour in the eyes of God. The movie shows the animals to be at least equal if not more important than man. The Bible says man is separated from the animal kingdom since he was created in the image of God and created to worship God. The movie shows man is to be judged because of what humans have done to the earth. The Bible says that man was judged because of his sin against a holy and righteous God. The movie shows Noah builds the ark to save “the innocents” (the animals) and after that man is to die off. The Bible says Noah built the ark to save his family and the animals. The movie portrays fallen angels (rock people) who are sent to help the humans and in the end go up to heaven. The Bible says fallen angels are demon spirits who have been cast out of heaven by God, offer no help to man and, in the end, all demons are sentenced to hell for eternity. We do not believe the movie is worth the time or money needed to see it. The movie is disturbing and blasphemous and shows disrespect to members of the Jewish and Christian communities. We believe it is an abuse of artistic license. We would recommend people read the Bible for the true story of Noah.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 02:36:16 +0000

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