Dear Ones, We bring you this message at a time of deep soul - TopicsExpress


Dear Ones, We bring you this message at a time of deep soul awakening on Planet Earth. This awakening time in your evolutionary process, is full of wonder and intrigue, because of the quickening of your consciousness expansion. As your consciousness aligns deeper with your soul divine truth, you will become more and more aware of yourselves, purely as magnificent vessels of vibration, with a uniqueness beyond compare, of an exclusive signature blueprint. When this realization and truth is recognized, you are able to begin mastering the energy of the Universe. The energetic fiber that is naturally aligned with your unique Soul. Until such time, all in the perfection of your soul’s individual journey of awakening, you are only able to perceive from a limitation of words. Words, of course, are powerful creations for you, however, it is not so much the words themselves, but the level of conscious intention behind the words that truly create your reality. For the perfect design of Creation, until such time of deep soul awakening, you project outwards sub-consciously, from a deeply embedded core belief, consisting of a specific frequency of patterns and programs of limitation for the required soul’s dualistic journey. Mental concepts dominate this limited consciousness of a third dimensional plane. Many of you, in your unique Soul’s evolutionary process of completion, are magnetizing your vibrational exact frequency counterpart Twin Flame/Twin Soul, in conscious awareness, due to the exact matched resonance vibration of the One Soul shared. This is the perfect design of Creation at this time of awakening on Planet Earth. Once the conscious soul recognition of the One True Beloved Twin Flame occurs, it creates the deepest potentiality to fully understand yourselves as vibration, frequency and energy only, because you are one soul vibration with your Beloved Twin Flame/Twin Soul. This is the key awareness for the sacred reunion of balanced soul alignment. To achieve this truth within, is to remember yourself as a Divine Soul walking planet earth. Therefore, also in rememberance of your cherished uniqueness as a soul, thus going into a deeper soul vibrational awareness within you, of your true divine soul counterpart Twin Flame. When you achieve this soul frequency memory, it will assist in transcending the limited mental conceptualising of old patterning and programming fear projections, aligning deeper with your authentic soul truth, therefore aligning the One Soul with your Beloved Twin Flame for Sacred Reunion. To achieve this required vibrational shift, may be quite challenging for you, with having the depth of embodiment of limited sub-conscious thoughts and concepts in programming. We emphasize Dear Ones, to know and understand yourselves as vibration only. And therefore soul uniqueness energy, is the key, for your full heart soul awakening expansion and remembrance, bringing Heaven to earth in Sacred reunion with yourself and therefore your One True Beloved Twin Flame/Twin Soul. As you release the old limited beliefs, and surrender the desire to control, and to have to understand your experiences via heavy mental concepts, all will be revealed from a place of deep Soul awareness within. Fully finally knowing yourself as a unique wonderful soul in a treasured human vessel bringing heaven to earth, vibrationally embodying Divine unconditional Love. Now is the time. Dear Ones YOU are so loved. We are the Seven Great Archangels
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:20:55 +0000

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