Dear Representative Frankel, Dear Senator Nelson, Dear Senator - TopicsExpress


Dear Representative Frankel, Dear Senator Nelson, Dear Senator Rubio, The Obama Regime has blood on their hands. They have the blood of the four men, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, on their hands since they sat back and did nothing while the torturous massacre at Benghazi occurred. They have the blood of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the hundreds of Mexican citizens killed by individuals wiel ding guns from the botched gun running Operation Fast and Furious on their hands. They have the blood of all those who were killed during the shooting initiated by the Muslim serviceman Nidal Malik Hasan who is still not prosecuted under Eric Holder’s Department of (In) Justice. The fact that the Obama Regime refuses to answer questions surrounding these avoidable, tragic situations is an insult to the American people and those victims who died in these incidents. Couple all of these outrageous incidents with Obama’s blatant overreach, with his royal decrees that undermine the Constitution, and with his release of thousands of illegal immigrants recently under the guise of budget cuts due to the sequester, and his actions are not simply infuriating, they are impeachable. Add in his thuggish threatening of journalists Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis, and a reporter with the National Journal and we have a presidency ripe for the investigation of a special prosecutor! As your constituent, I demand that you call for a special prosecutor (and one not appointed by the president) to investigate the ever growing overreaching, disturbing, and dangerous acts by President Obama. Sincerely, Mr. Greg Barnard
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:51:42 +0000

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