Dear Uaint Massa, Seems you have exceptions and uneasiness - TopicsExpress


Dear Uaint Massa, Seems you have exceptions and uneasiness about my allegiance to the causes that are just, and aimed towards the well being of all mankind. But of course it could never be acknowledged by you closet racists, elitists, ego-maniacs, henchmen, and SELLOUTS! Sure youre polished enough to hide behind the corporate policy, the incompetence of individuals (not acting in the interest of the organization), unintentional and supposedly unbiased oversight, etc...... But the truth is, you fear and are intolerant towards that/those which are different, that which will not bow to hierarchy, those that see your BS for what it truly is, and surely those (like me) that are brave and foolish enough to speak and act out against such unethical policies! Engineering is the discipline of understanding and harnessing the sciences, and truth! That which has afforded me a great career as a successful engineer prevents me from falling victim to your elementary level tactics! Im simply immune to your brand of BS! Nowhere in my existence is there an affinity or willingness to bow to man! Nowhere in me is there the willingness to compromise; myself, my integrity, my reputation, self-respect, dignity, unbiased assessment and treatment of people based on the substance of mankind. Never will I compromise such things to gain the favor of the like of you! Your approval, and adoration is the last thing that I desire. Your brand of strings have long been cut! See, Im one of the aware & gifted ones! You know the one thats raw enough to tell you to your veiled face what a lowlife you are. Figured Id tell you what the masses feel, but are too afraid to articulate. See, youre truly not as smart, special, or privileged as you believe that you are. You can attempt to hide behind the veil of corporate homogeneity all you want, but in THE END, nothing will save you from your deeds aligned with the DARK SIDE! Nothing will save your miserable soul come time to account for your WRONGDOINGS! IN THE END, HISTORY AND THE FUTURE ALWAYS BEND TOWARDS THE GOOD AND JUST! Im sure it will be sure to miss you! Makes you sick to your stomach to have to acknowledge the unmistakeable skillsets and talents of those unlike you! But we all know that the cream always rises. And furthermore we all know that once the lights come on, youll be exposed for the weasel of a person/company that you are!!!! Enjoy the celebrity whilst it lasts. I AM MIKE BROWN!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 00:35:52 +0000

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