Dear graduates of 2014, Congratulations upon your achievement - TopicsExpress


Dear graduates of 2014, Congratulations upon your achievement which I suppose is the crown of academic pursuit that began 17/18 years ago. A graduand recently asked me, if I were given a time turner, what choice of study I would have at joining university. I told him that the first choice would be not to study at university. And that the second choice would be to join university & perform excellently. By performing excellently, I.mean: in addition to good academic performance; to know the laws of power & influence & use them to your advantage. To horn your financial, marketing, sales, administrative & management skills because only then, can you truly be of extreme irresistable value to the world. I know that majority of you do not fall under the above. Just like myself. Which means that already, the odds placed against you in life are way too much. You need an extra effort to start off & achieve your dreams. If you had dropped out, you would have probably done odd jobs, faced an extremely hard life, gained enough experience to kickstart you in life. You were only 19 & you would pull off that easily. But now, you are 23/24 or even much older. You are a degree holder, full of pride & too much inexperience. You think the world will bend in your favour. Very few are lucky to have an easy start. If you are not among those lucky few, please read on. You got no breathing room for many mistakes. The future arrives without invitation & we never know what burdens or pleasures it brings. The biggest trick is to be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be too assertive, rather adjust to the object & you shall find a way either through it or around it. Set high dreams. The boundaries of your life are merely creations of yourself. Ofcourse you will meet failure. It is essential for personal expansion. The most important lesson to counter this is to understand that nothing lasts forever. Look around you, find successful people & try as much to get a mentor. Ask them to share their experiences-you will realise that each one of them at some point took a leap of faith that almost everyone thought was nuts-with hindsight, because they became successful, it looks obvious. But that first step is what most of us back away from. Life is hard, it is meant to be hard-to test us, to test our mettle, to break or make us. Its lessons are equally hard. We must be too astute and quick. The world is not just, dont expect justice-you must earn it. Remember, life is too short not to spend time with people you care about. Good health is more important than all success, money & power. Cultivate & maintain relationships: help people when you can: have a clear vision & pursue it with patience & humility: have a trusted source of advice & unbiased feedback. You will be lied to, that you can easily go out into the world & be a job creator rather than a job seeker. Job creation, even for your own self just, is one of the most difficult things. Our education system, our family setups, the fact that not everybody is born to be an enterpreneur are all factors that make it that difficult. One day, when you have raised 65,000$,(that is the dream we are beginning with), i will need only a payment of 4,000$ and tell you a 13 lettered statement that will change your fortunes forever. Till then, I will leave you with the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, Never give up hope, always remain vigilant. Hope charts the future, vigilance protects it. Good luck in the unfair world.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:11:33 +0000

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