Defeat the Stomach Bug with Super Veggies! (This is no joke! - TopicsExpress


Defeat the Stomach Bug with Super Veggies! (This is no joke! Even in the midst of a bad tummy virus, you can quickly over come it with simply taking small sips of your fermented veggie juice.) Most people do not realize that 80 percent of the immune system is located in the digestive system. They don’t realize just how much good bacteria actually does inside of you. Bacteria help you digest and absorb nutrients from your food, they assist in making vitamins such as K and B, and they also help with mineral absorption which is crucial since our foods are so depleted of minerals these days. Bacteria eliminate toxins and keep bad bacteria and pathogens at bay which is crucial. One of the things I have noticed (and get a lot of letters about) is how helpful probiotic foods are in preventing colds and flus, and also in eliminating them quickly if they do occur. Cultured vegetables are extremely effective when dealing with a stomach virus. The stories I have witnessed are nothing short of miraculous. On several occasions, I have used cultured vegetables and their juice to get rid of food poisoning and a nasty stomach virus. It was like injecting some kind of magic tonic that worked so quickly I was shocked. When my children came down with the stomach flu, I gave them small sips of the juice from cultured veggies and watched as a couple hours later the vomiting and diarrhea and stomach cramps subsided. I have personally seen it knock out food poisoning within a few hours. I had some bad artichoke dip and it was one of the first things that convinced me of how powerful these foods were. In less than hour, I was up doing dishes when the hour before I couldn’t even get out of the bathroom and was weak and lethargic. All I did was drag myself to the kitchen and open the jar of cultured veggies and take a swig of the juice. I was too sick to get a spoon and I was amazed at what a difference it made. From that day to this, I keep a jar of cultured veggies in my fridge. They work like a mighty army inside of you when you can’t even help yourself. My video guy’s little boy got some kind of stomach bug and was so sick he was laying on his back so weak that he was throwing up on himself. His wife started giving him cultured foods a little at a time and by that evening he was up playing again. It is something I recommend to everyone, but you can’t use this magical elixir if you don’t have some in your house. -Donna Schwenk
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:22:13 +0000

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