Developing a Positive Attitude PUBLISHED IN ATTITUDE positive - TopicsExpress


Developing a Positive Attitude PUBLISHED IN ATTITUDE positive attitudeHaving a positive attitude has a huge impact in how life turns out. It is as simple as learning the following 5 tricks to developing a positive attitude. With a positive attitude, you will be happier. People with positive attitudes are less stressed and are also more likely to be successful. Read on for helpful tips to living a more positive life. 1. Think Positive Thoughts From morning to night, life constantly presents everyone with all kinds of situations. It has a great number of people worrying about deadlines, inability to complete certain tasks, difficult relationships at work and so much more. These negative thoughts only serve to weigh you down. For a positive attitude, consciously regulate what kinds of thoughts go through your head. Instead of thinking about what is not perfect, think about what is going right. Take time to listen to uplifting music or talk to a positive person. At the end of each day, list all the good things that have happened to you during the day. After a few days of doing this exercise, it will not be hard to see all the positive things that happen. 2. Give Credit Where It Is Due Everyone has achieved something meaningful in their lives. It could be graduating from college, mastering an art, or helping someone who cannot return the favor. Give yourself some credit. Remind yourself of all the things you have done. Constantly remind yourself of your confidence and your competence. Block out any thoughts of self-doubt. Also learn to cut yourself a little slack. When people with positive attitudes make mistakes, they laugh at themselves. In addition to that, they learn from those mistakes and grow. Concentrating on the negative will only make things worse. 3. Think Only Good Things of Others Thinking ill of others cultivates a negative attitude. It may be easy to think negative thoughts especially if you work with difficult people. However, once you think ill of one person it might get easier to think ill of plenty of others. Rather than concentrate on the bad, why not try to see only the good attributes of people. Think about how dedicated that coworker is or how well that family member cooks. This will go a long way in developing a positive attitude. 4. Let Go Of Small Issues It can be easy to fly off the handle when you notice something small. It could be socks that are thrown on the floor rather than into the dirty clothes hamper. It could be an office worker who insists on spreading false rumors about you or a waitress at a coffee shop who does not make your coffee exactly the way you ordered it. All these are small issues. Rather than waste energy arguing about them, ignore them. Save your energy for bigger things, like finishing a report. Things like those happen all the time. Let go and move on. 5. Speak Positive Words After working on thinking positive, it is important to speak positive. This allows for a complete transition from a negative attitude to a positive attitude. If you are standing in line at a coffee or yoghurt shop, do not make snide comments about a person who got to the counter before he had decided what order he would make. It will only take a few seconds out of your day anyway. Instead, take that time to consider what you are going to get. Alternatively, take that extra minute to mentally plan your day. If you are speaking with colleagues, rather than make comments that break their confidence, give compliments that build them up. Compliment a coworker on how promptly they handed in their work or how nice they look. Seeing the positive impact it has on them will affect you positively as well. In addition to being happy yourself, you help to make your environment a happier place. The quality of life can improve significantly when armed with a positive attitude. Not only will you be less stressed, but you will also be happier with yourself. People with positive attitudes have longer life spans, lower levels of depression, are less likely to die from cardiovascular conditions and can cope better with hardship. Further, a positive attitude is an important part of the equation that leads to success. Do not put it off any longer. Put these 5 tricks to developing a positive attitude into practice and start living a happier, healthier life today.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 11:59:45 +0000

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