Did you know...... that Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush and George - TopicsExpress


Did you know...... that Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are the only Presidents up through George W. Bush’s Presidency who did NOT own a piano. Here are the brands all the other Presidents had [source: Pierce Piano Atlas]: 1st President George Washington Longman & Broderip Harpsichord; Schoen & Vinsen Pianoforte 2nd President John Adams Currier & Co. 3rd President Thomas Jefferson Astor Pianoforte 4th President James Madison Square Grand (name destroyed by fire) 5th President James Monroe Astor Piano 6th President John Quincy Adams Currier & Co. 7th President Andrew Jackson T. Gilbert & Co. Square Piano 8th President Martin Van Buren Hallet & Cumston Square Piano 9th President William Henry Harrison Haines Brothers 10th President John Tyler Thomas Tomkinson Upright Piano 11th President James Knox Polk Astor & Harwood Square Piano 12th President Zachary Taylor name unknown 13th President Millard Fillmore name unknown 14th President Franklin Pierce Chickering Square Piano 15th President James Buchanan Chickering Grand Piano 16th President Abraham Lincoln Chickering Square Piano & Chickering Upright 17th President Andrew Johnson Steinway & Sons Square Piano 18th President Ulysses S. Grant Melodeon 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes Bradbury Upright & Harpsichord (name destroyed by fire) 20th President James A. Garfield Hallet & Davis Upright 21st President Chester A. Arthur Piano cannot be located. 22nd President Grover Cleveland Combination Piano & Harpsichord (name destroyed by fire) 23rd President Benjamin Harrison J. & C. Fischer Upright Piano, Haines Brothers Square 24th President Grover Cleveland Combination Piano & Harpsichord (name destroyed by fire) 25th President William McKinley A. H. Gale Co. Square Piano 26th President Theodore Roosevelt Chickering Upright, Steinway Grand Piano 27th President William Howard Taft Baldwin Grand Piano 28th President Woodrow Wilson Ernst Rosenkranst Square Piano, Knabe Grand 29th President Warren G. Harding A. B. Chase Electric Player Piano 30th President Calvin Coolidge Sohmer Upright Piano 31st President Herbert Hoover Knabe Grand & A. B. Chase Grand 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt Hardman Grand 33rd President Harry S. Truman Steinway Grand, Baldwin Grand & Steinway Upright 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower Hallet & Cumston Upright 35th President John F. Kennedy Ivers & Pond Grand Piano 36th President Lyndon B. Johnson Style L. Steinway, Knabe Console 37th President Richard M. Nixon Geo. P. Bent Upright, Baldwin Vertical 38th President Gerald Ford No personal piano 39th President James (Jimmy) Carter Ludden & Bates 40th President Ronald Reagan Steinway Grand 41st President George Bush Did not own personal piano. 42nd President William (Bill) Clinton Baldwin Grand in the Governor’s Mansion. 43rd President George W. Bush No personal piano. Steinway Grand in the White House residence.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:13:40 +0000

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