Do Not Judge One Another 11 Quit speaking against one another, - TopicsExpress


Do Not Judge One Another 11 Quit speaking against one another, brothers. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother speaks against law and judges law. Now if you judge law, you are, not a doer of law, but a judge. 11 Quit speaking against one another, brothers In the preceding portion of his letter James dealt with the problem of haughtiness and a lack of humility. This may have been at the root of the problem he now takes up, namely, that of speaking against one’s brother. (Compare Psalm 101:5.) Since James has already dealt with the matter of ‘cursing’ one’s brother, something often born of the heat of anger or bitter hatred, this section must deal with another facet of a wrong attitude toward one’s brother. It is a strongly critical attitude that now comes in for attention. By saying “brothers,” James emphasizes the greatness of the wrong. Often it is the desire to exalt himself that motivates a person to speak against another, downgrading that one and making him appear inferior. The psalmist said of such a one: “You sit and speak against your own brother, against the son of your mother you give away a fault.” (Ps. 50:20) Also, a self-righteous attitude can make a person inclined to be critical of others and their actions or ways, even to the point of incriminating them. (John 9:13-16, 28, 34) Whatever the motive, such derogatory speech has no rightful place among brothers in the household of faith. (Compare Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 3:29, 30.) Because of inherited sinfulness, the human tendency in this direction is common and so James’ counsel is of great value. Cj Commentary James Chapter 4 Can you see evidence of this kind of advancement in your life? Of course, all are different and progress varies according to individual circumstances. No one should judge another. (Rom. 14:4) Each can assess the extent of his own advancement, seeking to improve in areas where his progress has been slow. Rest assured that Jehovah will continue to help you.—Col. 1:9-11. I really enjoyed this Christian advise. :)
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 03:04:26 +0000

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