Do You All Believe In The Power Of Kindness - TopicsExpress


Do You All Believe In The Power Of Kindness --------------------------------------------------------------- “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” ~ Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa Because LOVING-KINDNESS AND COMPASSION always play such an important role in the lives of every single person. But what is important is to emphasize that, unless we practice and integrate these qualities into our everyday lives, it will be utterly impossible to attain enlightenment and liberation. Moreover, without such an integration of loving-kindness and compassion, not only are we failing to benefit others, we are actually harming them, whether directly or indirectly. In the same way that water can never be used to make things dry, and fire cannot be used to make them wet, aggression and harmfulness can never cause enlightenment. To be kind is to love and so compassion and these are the cause of accumulating the merit to be born in the higher realms . These positive qualities should be like the life force within us, like the mind in a living being. A body without a mind, or a life force, would not be able to perform actions like a real human being. Instead, it would be only an empty reflection. These qualities on the other hand is closely related to the job we do in our professional life /Corporate career. Look at it closely , isnt it Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates be easily accessible to everyone. So if some of you are in doubt that it is a waste of time , get into the deeper meaning of it as Love and Kindness are never wasted. They are there to always make a difference as said by ~ Barbara De Angelis If an act of kindness can alleviate the stress one is feeling or bring a smile to someone’s face, why be stingy? Do it. Give someone your seat on the subway. Let a mom with an agitated kid break the line. Compliment a person on something they’re wearing. With a loved one, be kind with your criticism. Tell him how much you appreciate his thoughtful action. Share with her how much you admire her courage. Dont you all want to be the kindest people who can make other people’s day better and brighter. That is a worthy goal in and of itself. But if you need further incentive to be kind to strangers and loved ones, know that you yourself will thrive as you become more compassionate, considerate and caring. We are all surrounded by many kind hearts and wonderful people here in L & D . And they all would love to share & spread happiness always.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:06:42 +0000

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