Do You Still Believe Fluoride is Good For Our Teeth? Read This! - TopicsExpress


Do You Still Believe Fluoride is Good For Our Teeth? Read This! SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 BY ADMIN2 This topic has become so big in recent years that it probably isn’t necessary to state this but for those that are new to the subject here goes! Fluoride used in dental practices and used in our water supply is not a chemical made in a laboratory and approved as a safe drug. To understand Fluoride further, we can look at it scientifically. Technically the name ‘Fluoride’ is scientifically inaccurate. Fluoride is a reduced form of Fluorine and is an element we can find on the periodic table. It can be naturally occurring but is known to cause a great deal of health problems for humans when exposed in excess. What must now be understood is when we are speaking about Fluoride from here on out in this article, is that we are not just talking about a naturally occurring substance. We are referring to a chemical mixture that is sold under the name of Fluoride that contains a wide array of chemicals putting this substance in category 4 of the hazardous materials scale. This is the highest and most dangerous rating a substance can receive. This extremely toxic, hazardous chemical is illegal to dump and would cost companies a hefty price tag to properly dispose of it. Instead, the waste is sold to cities and towns where they are then legally dumped into water supplies. Facts: The chemical names of the main substances used in wate fluoridation practices are hydrofluorocilicic acid, hexafluorisilisic acid and sodium silicofluroride. It is illegal to dump the hazardous fluoride waste products hydrofluorocilicic acid, hexafluorisilisic acid and sodium silicofluroride into water streams, rivers or environment. It is considered an act of terrorism to do so. Yet it is legal to do and accepted as a safe practice when we add it to our water supply under the guise that it is helping with dental hygiene. This theory of helping with dental hygiene is built off of assumptions and not science. Currently, there is no evidence to suggest water fluoridation helps prevent tooth decay. Roughly 99% of the water pumped through municipalities is not consumed through the mouth. Most is used for showering, watering crops and washing clothes. Given these facts, most of it ends up in streams, rivers and in oceans, where it is destroying and contaminating our environment. Due to the fact most of this does not touch our teeth but instead goed into the environment suggests water fluoridation is a practice put in place to legally dump this hazardous waste product. What is consumed by humans does nothing more than harm our bodies. 24 studies have shown a link between fluoride exposure and the lowering of IQ. When you really think about it though, is it all that surprising that brain function is hindered by the consumption of an extremely hazardous substance? Fluoride is an unapproved drug being used in a highly illegal mass medication scheme. Fluoride is said to be voluntary by municipalities but the people never get to vote. The drug has not been approved by any drug agency and no one has been assessed for prescriptions. Fluoride is so toxic and dangerous that it has the ability to eat through metal and concrete. A fluoride spill results in the use of haz-mat suits to clean up. Water fluoridation is nothing more than the dumping of industries hazardous waste into people and our environment to avoid having to pay to dispose of the waste. They in fact make a profit instead. Drinking fluoridated water has never been scientifically proven to reduce tooth decay. Research has found that fluoride affects normal endocrine function, causes kidney disease, bone weakness, dental fluorosis, cancer, lowering of IQ, calcification of the pineal gland, arthritis, immune deficiencies, skeletal fluorosis and much more.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 15:30:24 +0000

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