Do not worry about gossiping player haters. Over the years i - TopicsExpress


Do not worry about gossiping player haters. Over the years i have often tried to advise friends and on how to manage when others speak ill of them. We are in times when it has become a favourite pastime of some to not only gossip but to spread untruths without care to those affected! I have take an excerpt from a piece from Alex Wipper worth reading I am embarking on a new adventure in my life. A change was made. And I have openly accepted it. I have embarked upon the adventure as if it were what was in my hand the entire time. So far, the experience has been a welcome change for yours truly. And, I quite frankly cant remember a time when Ive been happier and more self-content with my life. But, with the good, you must accept the bad. For every positive there must be a negative. A healthy balance of positives and negatives must exist to provide your life with a healthy dose of variety. This is why, when realizing one of the few negatives that has came to fruition in my new adventure, I did not fret for long. As I realized that wherever one may go there will always be something you dont agree with, a food you dislike, a person who you do not see eye-to-eye with, and things youll just never understand. Its not a matter of opinion. Its fact. The best thing to do is to accept it and move on as quick as possible. For this author, a dose of negative publicity has been thrown my way. However, not directly, and very much indirectly. Its purpose is to paint a nasty portrait of thy individual and to spread lies. I have learned, however, in the past several years that truth conquers all. And where lies darken, truth enlightens; where lies hurt, truth heals; where lies trap, the truth sets one free. So, the mature and most effective way of handling a situation where another is spreading lies about you, I encourage you to not retaliate with anger, hatred and lies, but with joy, love and truth. For it is the one who says nothing but the truth who wins the war. Regardless of right or wrong…the truth is always the best tool to win a war of words, personality clashes, and ego conflicts. The next time you hear something untrue about yourself, dont give it the time of day. You have better things to do! Go re-arrange your sock drawer, watch paint dry, or stare at a wall…and I promise thats time better well spent than on worrying about an untrue, harmful, negative statement. Dont let the actions of others dictate who you go through life being. If you stop to think about what others think about you, you wont have enough time in the day to think about anything else.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:26:00 +0000

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