Do we still have representative government in America? No. A - TopicsExpress


Do we still have representative government in America? No. A few weeks ago talk show host Glenn Beck claimed there are major differences between what our Founding Fathers faced in their day versus what modern Americans are facing and that our Founders dealt with their issues for quite a bit longer than modern Americans. Beck stated that a major difference between then and now is that we have representation in government while our Founders did not. I believe all of Becks statements to be misguided. Our American Founding Fathers had what is known as virtual representation in the British Parliament and I believe thats exactly what we have in America today. Remember, it isnt the vote that makes us free or different. The former Soviet Union had elections. Cuba has elections. The vote has to actually matter and those elected have to actually respect and follow the law and our system of checks and balances. We have courts that no longer rule according to our constitution but according to a living document philosophy and international law; courts that routinely overturn the will of the people based on false contrivances, political correctness and the latest cause of the day; courts that routinely violate our basic founding principles of unalienable rights, individual liberty and limited government. Our federal courts routinely act as if they have common law authority rather than the statutory law system provided for in our Constitution. The two major political parties have so rigged our political system as to create a 92.88% re-election rate for the House during the period 1964 through 2012 and 82.08% for the Senate. They have so rigged our federal legislature that even on those rare occasions a challenger is able to defeat an incumbent the freshman representative is usually then bent and molded to the will of the old guard through party pressures and perks - the seniority system. Our entire system of checks and balances is so broken that few, if any, Americans can point out the last time a federal judge or justice was impeached; only two president in our entire constitutional history have been impeached; presidents routinely and unconstitutionally override and ignore Congress using executive orders; limits are placed on our constitutionally protected unalienable rights with no actual legal foundation; entire protections in our Bill of Rights are summarily dismissed an rejected without proper legal foundation and our entire federal structure bears no resemblance to that authorized by our Supreme Law of the Land. So, do we have representation as Mr. Beck claims? As to Mr. Becks argument that our Founders fought longer and tried harder I must also disagree. The fight against what we are now suffering began at least 100 years ago and has been fought for generations. Conversely, our Founders only fought 20 or 30 years.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 14:12:30 +0000

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