Do you ever feel like you dont know what to pray for, or even, HOW - TopicsExpress


Do you ever feel like you dont know what to pray for, or even, HOW to pray? Is prayer strange to you? Or confusing? Have you said, Ive tried that prayer stuff, it dont work. Or maybe you think that your prayer needs to be all long and drawn out, backed up by Bible verses, and fancy wording. Friend, this could not be further from the truth! God Himself, simply wants you, NO, LONGS FOR YOU TO, talk to Him! Really, thats all prayer is. So many of us have God confused with a genie in a bottle; only here to grant wishes. When really, He is your Dad, here to love you, and do whats best for everyone. Hes always got your back, always has your best interest in mind, and more than anything, HE SEES THE BIG PICTURE. He is God. Everywhere, at all times, like oxygen. Invisible, yet, has an effect on absolutely EVERYTHING, like gravity. Only He can pan-out, and see the great mosaic of humanity. And every prayer, both answered and unanswered, makes sense to Him, in a good way, somehow. God is perfect in every one of His choices. He never messes up. Never second guesses. He has no advisors or counselors, HE IS GOD. Sovereign. CORRECT in everything. Zillions of stars burn because He so chooses. And one day, in heaven, all of your questions of why or why not will be answered. Completely, and you will be satisfied. You will be in Gods presence and He will INSTANTLY make things known to you. I can try to explain heaven to you, but that would be impossible. Our finite minds cannot compute. I used to always ask my Grandma, What will heaven be like? And I always got the same answer. The Bible says, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it even entered into the heart of man, what God is preparing for those who love Him (1 Cor 2:9). But for now, God simply wants you to include Him in everything in your life, and I mean everything. THATS what was toughest for me. I wanted to keep God in my pocket, give Him an M&M now and again, and only pull Him out in case of an emergency. I had my lifestyle, and I didnt need any Gods advice or help. This was my mindset: I MIGHT mess with that later. I mean, Im gonna die, so I gotta make sure I dont go to hell, so Ill make room for God in the future, but not now. Im not giving these things up. And I definitely wasnt gonna be like those hypocrite, self-righteous church people, or PRAY all the time. I know, for me, when I was far from God, deep in sin, not caring anything about Him or what He expected; ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT FOR CHRIST, the only prayer that I could muster up was, God, please help me. And even through I was not living how He wanted me to, He STILL HEARD ME, and STILL answered my prayers. Where my sin ran extremely deep, EXTREMELY DEEP, His mercy ran that much deeper. (Goosebumps thinking about it.) But it all started with a simple prayer from a lost individual, seeking out every fleeting and empty thing that you could possibly think of. Things of this world that are distracting, and cant be fully enjoyed without Christ. But what prayer does is this: IT GETS US IN-TUNE WITH GODS WILL, rather than our own. Because WE NOW KNOW that we are so special to God, our prayers SHOW US that God has a different plan, but always, a BETTER PLAN..... This is how and why prayer changes our lives. So when I prayed, God, please help me, I was allowing myself to be helped, and allowing my life to be changed. I was taking responsibility for my own actions, rather than blame everyone else for them. Had I never done that, God would not have molded my heart into its current status, OR, continue to mold it. Ive not made it, yet; Im now part of a Family, but Im still learning. So today, my friends, PRAY! Prayer is simply constant contact with God. Jesus Christ is your lifeline to The Father, and they are making things happen all around you that you cannot compute! GOOD THINGS! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PRAYER! YOU WANT SOMETHING? ASK FOR IT! CMON! DONT YOU KNOW WHOSE YOU ARE?! Dont know what to pray for? Wing it! Thats good enough for God! Also, remember that The Holy Spirit ACTUALLY PRAYS FOR US, WHEN WE DONT KNOW WHAT TO PRAY FOR, IN WORDS THAT WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND! (Romans 8:26). Thats pretty cool! We actually have somebody REPRESENTING US, standing up for us, like an attorney in court, pleading our case! What a gift! So begin to pray more, starting now, starting today! Its weird yes, but so is you even being alive, on a planet that you stick to. CMON, ALL OF THIS IS WEIRD, if you start to really think about it, but its how our Creator wants it! Prayer gets you tapped into His will and perfect plan. Our prayers make the hands of God MOVE, but more importantly, prayer makes our own hearts MOVE TOWARDS GOD because we know that ALL THINGS work together for the good of those who love Him (See Romans 8:28). So pray! Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:37:10 +0000

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