Doctor Eddison Zvobgo. ~~~~ they say vaidada but iI think he was - TopicsExpress


Doctor Eddison Zvobgo. ~~~~ they say vaidada but iI think he was justified to brag though, for he had a PHD from Havard USA ,and probably the only Zimbabwean who lectured at that prestigious institution.Here are some lines off his speeches at graduation ceremonies.... 1. My wife is the first and last word in the word beauty. 2.Munofanigwa kuverenga nokufunda mosvikawo pana Mtumbuka mozowedzerazve mosvika pana president wenyu mozotizve verengei zvakatidzamei nokuhwisisa kwakatinyanyei mosvikawo pandiri ini Zvobgo. 3.Munofamba muchidada heisu takadzidza paharvard isu wana Zvobgo takadzidziisa paHarvard pacho isu mbune. 4.At Shamuyariras nephew graduation ceremony he said ndinofara kuona vabereki muchibaira mwana mombe nokuti wawana degree people clap hands and he goes on to say asi dai baba vedu vaitiurayira mombe dzingadai dzakapera nokuti ini navanununa vangu vose kusvika kuna Abbisai takaita madegree akatiwandei kwazvo. 5.Rugotwe rwaamai vangu ndiye asina kuzonyatsoti dzidzei zvaka akaita degree reEconomics. 6.One time he said if you burn ma certificates ema degrees ake unoyibvisa beans! 7. In 1999 he was coming out of OK SUPERMARKET in Masvingo when this other old woman vendor on the veranda upon realising its Zvobgo asked ko nhai vaZvobgo,chiiko chiri kumboitika mitengo yezvinhu iri kungokwira zuva nezuva ?,to which he replied in his normal faint voice,ah ndizvo zvinoitika kana nyika ichitungamirirwa navanhu vasina kudzidza! 8. Once in parliament he said half of people in here are stupid,he was told to retract and rephrase his statement,he apologised and said half of people in here are not stupid. 9. When Chikurubi Maximum Prison was officially open Mr Zvobgo blasted those From Mashonaland “ jere iri nderenyu imi vekuno KuMashonaland zvamurimwi mugotinyadzisa muchaona muchitangigwa kupinda nevanhu vekuMasvingo ” 10. Hanz;VaZvobgo makati tikakuvhoterai muchatipa mabasa tiseenzewo. Zvikanzi naZvobgo, can someone bring me todays newspaper?.mupfanha wechidiki kwave kumhanya naro.Dr Zvobgo flipping the pages kukanzi, aah mabasa aya akazara uko kwakanzi classifieds; itai kuti ndimwi musina kudzidza chete. Dont take this as insults, but as motivational points!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:00:01 +0000

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