Don’t give up…give in! Are you depressed? When something - TopicsExpress


Don’t give up…give in! Are you depressed? When something goes wrong in your life do you condemn yourself? Are you tempted to give up? Why do we spend so much of our day focused on our problems? Why is so easy to open our mouths & spew words of destruction and defeat over our lives? Why do we trust ourselves more than we trust God? We all have a tendency to overemphasize our problems and under emphasize the good things in our lives. It’s simply easier to focus on the bad and it comes very natural for most of us. Why is this? Why is easier to focus on the bad and not the good? It’s because we live in a fallen world. Before Christ is truly revealed to us we live according to the world’s standards. Our identity is caught up in the world’s laws…do good, get good, do bad, get bad. This is how most of us were raised & were programmed from birth to believe. Most people are doing “to become” instead of doing because “they are.” The root of this belief goes back to the beginning of mankind. Adam committed high treason in the Garden of Eden by disobeying God & as a result Satan took man’s title. Before the fall, man had dominion over the earth. God did not make this world to be in the imperfect state it is in today. He did not make it to have floods, typhoons, hunger and war. His intent was for us to live with Him in the Garden in perfect peace and harmony. Unfortunately, our disobedience caused us to live in a fallen world where Satan could use the tools of guilt & condemnation to destroy us. But God is GOOD, all knowing & all powerful & had a greater plan! He redeemed us & took back what Satan stole from us! Through the sacrifice of Jesus we have reclaimed our dominion & are no longer under the thumb of Satan! In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 we are told that the devil blinds our minds because he is afraid of the glory on Christ in the gospel. He knows that you will run to Him once He is revealed to you. The one thing he doesn’t want you to focus on is Jesus because he knows that Jesus is the KEY to your success! He wants to keep you focused on yourself and your problems so he can keep you defeated. Do you remember the famous story in the Bible of the fisherman fishing all night & catching nothing? They were about to give up when Jesus appeared & told them to go out into the water again & cast their nets on the right side. The very moment Jesus appeared the fish rushed to them. Jesus represents the RIGHT side of life! When we cast our nets on the side of Jesus he fills us up & gives us more than we could possibly achieve by our own human effort and struggle. When we cast our nets on Him we don’t have to chase the things we desire in life…they chase us! The disciples didn’t have to chase that fish…it came to them! We bring much of the struggling on ourselves by trying to do it on our own without Jesus. Like these fishermen, are YOU frustrated and ready to give up? Are you at the end of your rope and just don’t see things working out? If you answered yes then listen closely as Jesus breathes a sign of relief & whispers gently into your ear…”finally, my child, I’ve been waiting for you to get to the end of yourself and turn to me.” This is exactly where Jesus needs you to be in order to help you. He needs you to not give up…but to GIVE IN! As long as you trust yourself more than you trust Him He cannot bring victory into your life. Jesus is revealed to us through a humble heart that admits we can achieve nothing lasting without Him. Full dependence on Jesus is the KEY to your success! Perhaps you’ve been struggling with your finances, with a relationship or with a child and are at your wits ends. You simply don’t know WHAT to do! The good news is you don’t have to & in the fallen world we live today Jesus is the ONLY one wise enough & powerful enough to navigate these stormy waters. Turn it over to Him my friend…He is waiting for YOU! What did Jesus do when He was going through the biggest crisis of his life? When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:40-46) he was going through the biggest crisis of his life & his dearest friends had let him down. He was about to be crucified and they were sleeping! How true to life that is! Have you ever felt that way? Have you felt alone & abandoned by someone you loved right in the midst of your greatest trial? Jesus understands how you feel my friend. The same thing happened to Him! In His greatest hour of need Jesus prayed and God sent an angel to Him. The angel appeared to Him and strengthened Him inwardly. He gave Him the strength exactly where He needed it. If an angel can comfort, guide, deliver, protect, strengthen and inspire Jesus then an angel will do that very same thing for YOU! You have angels right now that God has assigned specifically just for YOU who can give you life’s very best. Their swords will protect you. You can walk through the fires & it won’t burn you. You can go through the water and it won’t drown you. All you have to do my friend is humble yourself & admit you need Jesus. Don’t make a career out of rehearsing your faults & failures. Lift your head, square your shoulders, dry your tears and realize that YOU are a child of God and you are destined for an abundant life! Your life has a greater future than you can imagine. Christ is your NEW beginning! He can take that business you’ve been struggling in & turn it completely around. One idea, one nugget of wisdom of God can change everything! He can do more for your business in an instant than you can accomplish in a lifetime of struggling! His grace trumps your trying! And today we are living in the AGE OF GRACE. God is revealing truths to us that have been hidden from past generations! I truly believe we are living in the most abundant, most exciting time in the history of the world! We are going to witness first hand what God will do in people’s lives when they choose to put JESUS first! You will see people miraculously healed. You will see broken relationships restored. You will see businesses thrive overnight! You will see wealth & prosperity transfer into the hands of the righteous (Christ righteous, not self righteous.) This is YOUR time my friend! You should be SO excited about your future! You now have a partner in Jesus that knows no limits. There are no boundaries as to what He can do in your life! It doesn’t matter how messed up you think your life is. Jesus has appeared! Just as He filled the nets of those fishermen He will fill your nets till they overflow! You’ll need new nets! All you have to do is open your heart to Him and let Him in! He is waiting! NOW is the time to give it to Him! The Bible says to “cease from your labors so you can enter into the rest.” Quit trying to get God to do what He has already done for you! Jesus is sitting down at the right hand of God this very moment. He is sitting because He is finished! When He died on that cross He solved all of your problems! All he needs you to do is BELIEVE in what he accomplished and then demonstrate that belief by RESTING and enjoying your life. Worrying, doubting & complaining does not demonstrate faith in God. It is your faith in what His son did that will manifest your blessings! Whatever area you are struggling in right now my friend say this out loud…”I thank you Father that my problem is already solved. I already have my breakthrough. I thank you that I am free to enjoy my life & that you have already worked everything out for my good.” You see, God anticipated everything you would ever need from this life BEFORE you were ever conceived. He knew your life from beginning to end. You are no surprise to God my friend! He wants you to live the life He destined for you to live. In order to do this you need Jesus! Jesus is the KEY to every area of your life! Give it to Him and REST! Enjoy your life while He fights your battles& fills your nets! Your pain will soon surrender to joy unimaginable. God will give you a new song! He is the lifter of your head. He is your rock, your comforter & your fortress! You will reign in life my friend! God guarantees it! God Bless You! Sherry:-)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:24:05 +0000

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