Dr Chris talks about - TopicsExpress


Dr Chris talks about depression https://youtube/watch?v=GVL1WHqISJk&feature=youtu.be Propaganda template 1 > The Authority -- talks down to us non-expert laypeople in a informal folksy way Propaganda Template 2 > This is MEDICAL, Authoritative and Scientific He states, Im DOCTOR -- with an edition of: My MEDICAL Moments. Propaganda Template 3 (see reference below Dr. Mary Boyle Its done with Smoke and Mirrors) Propaganda template 3 > The Singular NOUN Straightforwardly Stated like it was a NOUN, a singular noun, a real single concrete item ...Going to talk about Depression - just for a minute... Propaganda template 4 Depression - People will say depression - Oh! Yes -- I get depressed... Well -- you know - people often will feel down, feel low... They are confused. That is not Clinical Depression. > Propaganda template 4 is repeatedly used over and over just as the many other templates are. Creating the conman game by making propaganda templates and public relations gambits is what they pursue. what is made is rote material lacking substance, truth, depth, meaning and good intentions. Its hostile, mendacious, abusive, mendacious, manipulative and strongly by rote. > Propaganda template 4 Note Propaganda template 4 See here, in the so-called DBSA San Gabriel Valley, site online -- https://facebook/DBSASanGabrielValley/posts/10203236885022260?comment_id=8390546&reply_comment_id=8391295&offset=0&total_comments=9¬if_t=share_reply Of course also note: that this is an other, separate, different, very independent unconnected place (seemingly...) -- it is a different person/Authority, with a different group, different forum, different continent -- and the template devise is jarringly the same. That is what I and We mean by this: identifiable and nameable manipulative ploys, gambits that we see repeated. Quotation: _______________________________________________________ DBSA San Gabriel Valley Dont confuse sadness with depression, the latter which is an often fatal clinical condition as opposed to sadness, a normal part of the human experience. We dont get depressed with sad movies, we become sad and it passes. A sad movie wont get you to...See More Like · March 14 at 2:41pm · Edited ________________________________________________________ Stand Up. Daniel Burdick, writing for the Opposition Movement (no rights reserved! -- please reuse my gambits and devices!) Eugene Oregon USA 2014 Reference: Note that Mary Boyle, PhD puts schizophrenia - the singular noun - in quotation marks, and relates how they go about endlessly just presenting the word... the singular noun... and that it is a brain illnesses or chemical imbalance (etc.) as if whatever they are saying is now a given truth. Like they were straightforwardly saying The cat climbed up the tree. These con-men have created propaganda templates - that is manipulative gambits, devices - that they endlessly employ. In actual truth none of their nouns or verbs stand alone as simple real facts. Steel is made from iron, carbon and other materials in smaller amounts. These conmen propagandists are exclusively talking and writing a (well unified and mapped out) conman line - a game they are pulling. Daniel Burdick, Eugene Oregon USA March 2014 ______________________________________ Its all done with smoke and mirrors. Or, how to create the illusion of a schizophrenic brain disease Mary Boyle, University of East London Clinical Psychology Issue 12. April 2002 critpsynet.freeuk/Boyle.htm In this paper, I shall discuss some of the main ways in which the credibility and reasonableness of the belief in (schizophrenia, depression,ADHD, etc.) as a brain disease is created and maintained; before I do that, however, it is important to note that this belief obviously implies a prior belief in schizophrenia and, since schizophrenia is consistently presented as a diagnosable illness Depression Bipolar Support Alliance dbsalliance.org/site/PageServer?pagename=education_depression Quotation: Depression is a treatable medical illness involving an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Its not a character flaw or a sign of personal weakness. Just like you cant wish away diabetes, heart disease, or any other physical illness, you cant make depression go away by trying to snap out of it. https://facebook/DBSASanGabrielValley/posts/10203236885022260? The Condition Genetics and Stress Cause of The Noun Quotation: DBSA San Gabriel Valley Props for the info. I am in full agreement with you on this, but genetics and stress are by far the strongest and most validated cause of the condition. Veterans have always had a high suicide rate, and that is largely associated with prolonged stress.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:34:24 +0000

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