END THE IRS! Sounds great, don’t it? We all hate taxes and - TopicsExpress


END THE IRS! Sounds great, don’t it? We all hate taxes and the IRS, no doubt. I mention this because I saw two postings about this and Sen. Ted Cruz’s suggestion to do just that. It will NEVER happen. There always has been and always will be an agency that collects the taxes. The Federal Agency is called, “The Internal Revenue Service”. Before that, it was called, “The Bureau of Internal Revenue”. Tax collectors are a fact of life. Every government in the world has had them ever since there have been such things as governments. You can call them what you want, but the IRS is here to stay. It will not go away. What’s wrong with the IRS is what’s wrong across the board in government these days. Too much power, too much screwing around appeasing one group or another in other branches of government, too much pandering to those groups in the quest for power for the individual politicians and their parties. Our government has been using the tax code to either punish someone for earning too much money (in their minds, anyway) to control something like imports & exports. And always had unintended negative consequences. I’m sure that abuse of the tax collectors at every level of government has been done to satisfy some political agenda one way or the other as well. We all know about Obama & Nixon abusing the IRS. Not as well known is that FDR, JFK, LBJ all did it, too. I’m sure it’s happened countless times we don’t know about with every President since Washington. Not to that extent perhaps, but done one way or another just the same. Even before there was an income tax. Merchants ALWAYS had to fill out a tax return and were subject to audit, long before there was an income tax. It was individuals who didn’t have to. The IRS has way too much power. You have no or virtually no Fourth Amendment rights in the IRS. They can break into your home, your safe deposit boxes, whatever and anything they find, can be used against you. Ted Cruz knows all this. He has no intention to proceed with abolishing the IRS. He’s telling people what they want to hear. Ted Cruz is NOT an idiot. He also knows that there are tons of people who will buy into a preposterous notion that it’s even possible to not have a tax collector. Enough of us buying into the bullshit politicians tell us is why we are in trouble. Doesn’t really matter if it’s the Clintonian-Obamaian dream of a Workers’ Utopia or the Paulistinian dream of anarchy. Time for all of us to understand what’s up and call for the right things. In this matter it isn’t the abolition of the IRS, that’s needed. What is needed is REAL tax reform. By that, I mean a single, affordable rate, no exemptions, deductions, anything like that. The tax code should be a simple list of levies and their rates. Period. No breaks, no deductions, no exemptions, nothing like that on ANY tax. Simple and affordable. Secondly, clean up the IRS. Find out who does wrong; fire the asses of those who do stuff improperly; prosecute those who do stuff illegally. Not a difficult concept. Private companies that are bigger than the IRS do it all the time. The responsibility of sending people to Washington and other capitals is OURS!! A responsibility we no longer seem to take all that seriously. Instead of choosing people based on their resumes & accomplishments, we choose them based on what they say that sounds good. Elections have consequences. We should know that by now. Look where we are…. Look who’s President…. Look what he and his crew do…. Look what Congress does…. Look what they do in our state capitals. It’s pretty surprising that our society can function at all, anymore. Yet, we keep sending the same ones and the same kind of people back there, time and time again. media.salon/2013/05/ted_cruz2.jpg
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 08:38:09 +0000

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