EXTRA-BIBLICAL TRADITION: YOUR BEST LIE NOW. tra·di·tion noun \trə-ˈdi-shən\ definition: : a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time : the stories, beliefs, etc., that have been part of the culture of a group of people for a long time a : an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures, in particular. •(in Christianity) doctrine not explicitly in the Bible but held to derive from the oral teaching of Jesus followers and those who came after the Apostles (hundreds even thousands of years after in most cases). If a tradition (extra biblical rituals/activities-good and bad) makes you feel like youre spiritually-superior to other Christians -- then its not rooted in the Gospel and it didnt come from Christ. If a tradition feeds your pride instead of crucifying it, it didnt come from God. If your tradition, no matter how holy you think it is, or for how many years its been passed down; creates an air of superiority where an air of humility should be; your tradition is a mere stone and thorn choking out the life-seed of Christ. And all good-seeds who find their origin in Jesus, that are cast your way, will be choked out and smothered by the rock and thorn you misconstrue with Jesus...but is indeed tradition. If your tradition makes you self-filled rather than self-less...your tradition is use-less. If your tradition NEVER causes you to have a healthy sense of self doubt, that you may be wrong, in place of others being right; you are ALREADY proven wrong by your Luciferean preoccupation with self. Christ didnt take issue with the Pharisees because they were zealous to obey God...why would God have a problem with anyone who wishes to obey Him? He took issue with them because they were more zealous to obey their tradition then they were to obey God. And not only that: But they began to blur the lines, misconstrue and intentionally confuse Scripture with Tradition. How insulting this must be to God! When tradition becomes your scripture it will ALWAYS without fail cater, pander and coddle the ego, pride, superiority and boastfulness of the flesh. When tradition becomes your scripture; scripture becomes your secondary footnotes. And at that point, tradition becomes your primary reference point for godliness (a mere form of godliness). This is how EVERY false religion within Christendom has been birthed...By putting secondary traditions of men above what God has primarily revealed through His Apostles and Prophets. We must interpret our traditions according to the Spirit breathed scriptures. We must NOT interpret the scriptures according to our man-breathed traditions. The Bible interprets tradition; tradition NEVER interprets the Bible! If we allow our traditions to take preeminence over the closed canon of scripture, we are laid waste to Pharisitical, arrogance, pomp, superiority and pride. Following the man who birthed the tradition may bring you to the foot of the cross...But following the Christ who breathed the scriptures will put you on the cross. Sometimes taking up ones cross means to crucify and put to death the holy traditions that we have allowed to replace Christ. Has that ever occurred to you before? That sometimes bearing ones cross is to put to death churchy type things? Tradition gazes at the cross and becomes puffed up and arrogant on account of its front row seats. But a true zeal and hunger for God in Christ, according to the scriptures, isnt content until all of self, along with its traditions, are on the cross. When tradition replaces Christ, rest assured: pride, arrogance, self-sufficiency, haughtiness and ego will keep you from the experience of the cross. And your lack of experience will blind you to think you are now the judge of all those who are actually experiencing the cross. Remaining in this seared position will completely and utterly stagnate, prevent and stupefy you from EVER having a healthy sense of self-doubt. Tradition can and should be doubted, reassessed, reformed and tweaked as we grow in Christ. If we feel our tradition is unquestionably infallible we will succumb to a fallible and questionable state of spiritual stagnation. And all growth in Christ will be sabotaged so long as we continue our little game of spiritual roulette. Spinning the chamber of tradition (that replaces Christ) is a dangerous game. One day the click will be a bang... Never question Christ...ALWAYS question tradition. Never question the Word of God...ALWAYS question the word of man. If your tradition only exists outside of the Bible, and it cannot be found as a specific teaching within the Bible, then your tradition is exposed as an extra-biblical addition that subtracts from the authority of the scriptures by exalting mans opinion over Gods facts. If Gods word is just a footnote to you and your church organization, rest assured: you serve another Jesus and believe another gospel. Show me a church organization that would cease to exist as we know it, if its traditions were taken away:(and all it had left to abide by was the Bible) and Ill show you a crumbling organization that was built on man, not Christ. If Gods Word is the biggest detriment and threat to your church organizations tradition, then I boldly declare, that your organization is riddled with demons and has become a refuge and hub for Satan to spin his web of seductive deception. Gods Word is the biggest enemy to Satan. Which is why it makes complete logical sense for him to make these type of Christian organizations (who CANT exist without tradition), the very place he utilizes to disguise himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 If Gods Word is the biggest detriment and threat to your tradition, then your tradition is a cancer to Gods word and those who follow it. If your tradition cant exist in the presence of Gods Holy Word without being exterminated, what makes you think you will be able to stand in the presence of the Holy God of the Word without ALSO being exterminated? One day all of this will be tried by fire...1 Corinthians 3:12-15- And the tradition of man will be utterly consumed, right along with their authors and adherents. Whether Catholic or Protestant: ALL tradition that deviates from Gods Word is a useless pile of refuse that should be counted for dead weight and loss. What and Who is your final authority? Why do the things you believe exist? Is it because of man...or because of Christ and His Word? The answer to these questions will decide your final destiny when you arrive at the judgment seat of Christ. Who is the means to your end? Is it mans word...or Gods Word? Choose your words carefully... For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil -2 Corinthians 5:10- Each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day (judgment day) will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. -1 Corinthians 3:13-
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:46:45 +0000

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