"Each time I step in the midst of children, I am humbled that YHWH - TopicsExpress


"Each time I step in the midst of children, I am humbled that YHWH not only called me, but chose me to impact the lives of our future leaders. Yesterday, I was invited to Speedway Elementary School by my sister/ friend Minister Tricia Brewster to share with the children what it is to be a writer/author and my journey during the process of publishing my first book. As I grabbed my keys from the dresser to leave, Minister Tricia called me with much grief, stating that their school had experienced a tragic loss of one of their own, a young teacher’s aid. I could hear the pain as she asked me to keep her up in prayer because she was having a difficult time, yet she knew she had to get through the planned day. Saints, I assured her that I would be there for her and that I was on my way. It was at that moment, I knew even more that YHWH was not only sending me as a writer/author to Speedway, but also as a Pastor. When I arrived, I went to meet Minister Tricia in the conference room. I walked in and saw her, but could see how uneasy she was as she dealt heavily with the loss of her colleague. She fought to keep her composure for Career Day. She greeted me then proceeded to assign us to different classrooms. At one point Minister Brewster just needed a hug and everyone in that room showered her with love and comfort. I prayed silently for her to be strengthened and that YHWH would see her through this day. I knew He would and I know He did. Some of the other invited professionals who attended included Brother Robert’s cousin Raven, who is a paramedic, Tricia’s neighbor Diana Fuller an attorney, who is also “Aunt” Gloria’s (Minister Tricia’s babysitter) niece, and Elder Steve Green too! Who knew….lol! A few others attended but they were already off to their assigned areas. The first 5th grade class I went in was quietly waiting. As I set up my display before starting my presentation, I heard a few whispers, “Wow…Look at that poster of her book!” That really blessed me. Immediately I engaged them with my dream and why I decided to be a writer. I expressed my love to create with my favorite tool, my pen. I told them I could go any and everywhere in my ride, my pen. They loved how I gave them an escape from whatever, wherever they may be by simply pen jottin’. They loved my presentation and thanked me with hugs and smiles. Then, I was off to the next room. As I walked in I heard, “Can you come back? We are about to do a quick activity with the music teacher!” I looked at the music teacher and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself as I thought, “Wow, they are in charge in here, not him!” Lol! So, I asked the music teacher what he preferred and they answered for him so he agreed that I should come back. On my way out, I bumped into Mrs. Brewster! LOL! She asked if I was done and I told her what happened and we all know Mrs. Brewster….She said, “No, they are going to listen now! You are their guest. It’s career day!” Just like that, I was back in there! So I set up and received some opposition at first from a young lady who obviously craves attention from everyone. She made a comment that I didn’t hear so, I asked politely, “Did you want to tell me something?” She gave me a very bold, “WHAT? No!” I then smiled and told her it was my turn and asked her if she was going to allow me to have my turn. She sunk in her chair and gave me a half smile and a faint yes. I thought to myself, “I already won her.” Then I began to share with them the many hats I wear daily as a writer/author, a wife, a mother, a pastor, a singer/song writer, spoken word artist and much more. They were amazed! They were so amazed that they asked me to read the book to them! Saints, this was a 6th grade class and they were very interested in hearing what I had written! Once I finished, I asked them, “So, how did I do?” They clapped so loud I burst into a joyful laugh. Then the young lady who initially challenged me, asked me to sing! She told me that she heard me mention singing and wanted to hear what I could sing. The class began to chime in begging me to sing! I told them to give me a clap beat and they all joined in as I sang “Bare Witness”! I sang the chorus and the first verse and when I was done, they stood to their feet clapping and cheering very loudly! I thought I was done then I heard another voice, this time a young man said, “Let’s hear your spoken word skills!” Again, the class erupted loudly asking me to spit! You know I did! I gave them none other than, “Daddy’s Little Girl”! As I performed the piece, I went in between desk looking into the eyes of each child who clung to every word. They felt the connection as they learned that I too was a child of a drug-addicted parent who died from AIDS, but still fought through until my success overpowered the status quo! With a standing ovation, they thanked me and told me I was very gifted and talented. I truly enjoyed them. I was off to the next room. This was another 5th grade class and they sat quietly as I spoke to them. Then they asked me to read to them as well. As I showed them the pictures, they began pointing to their friend informing me that she too could draw. She looked at the illustrations in my book and grinned a bit, “I can draw that.” After seeing her work, I concur. After reading the book, I heard all types of questions like, “Does Tatiana really have all of that hair?” LOL! The kicker was when another young man asked, “Does all of your kids have the same last name?” Lol! I was done! As I proceeded back to the conference room, Mrs. Brewster came and asked if I could go to one more class. Certainly! She walked me down to the 7th grade class who was a bit loud when I walked in so, again I asked if I could have a turn and they agreed. As I gave my presentation, again there was a very talented artist that the kids wanted me to know about. He pulled out his book of drawings and totally engaged me! His drawings were phenomenal and I was totally impressed! Then the kids asked if I would read the book! I told them how blessed I was by them asking me to read a book to them that normally would be out of their age bracket. They too loved it! Then I asked if anyone had any questions. There were no hands. So again I asked if there was just one question and again, no hands. That’s when I asked them did they enjoy me being there or if they’d rather I never came. One young lady said, “We’re happy you came Mrs. Pernell, we just don’t have no questions, ok?” LOL! So, I went on to tell them how I learn from everything I do and everyone I encounter so, I always have questions especially in a new setting. That’s when hands flew up, but I wasn’t expecting these questions. “So, you said you sing? What are you going to sing for us?” This totally blew me away because what are the chances of this happening twice? YHWH is great! I sang as they clapped and then they gave me a standing ovation too! I loved the fact that I won them with warmth and love more than anything. Even when some were a bit resistant, my little helper Dynasia (Sweet little girl) passed the book around and each one of them lit up when they saw my family photo. Like every child, they too desired “family”. That is when the questions came. They wanted to know how old my girls are, how does my family feel about me being an author, how does Tatiana feel about seeing herself in the book. I was so proud that they began to engage. Then it was time to rush off to BRICK Avon Academy! Did you think my day was over? Not even close! Keep reading! When I arrived at BRICK, I went straight to Minister Princess’s or “Ms. Williams” class and was floored by the reenactment of “Bad Dreams Are Not Allowed” posted on her classroom door! Just to give you a bit of the background story, Minister Princess told me that the school was having a contest between the teachers. They had to choose their favorite book to decorate their classroom door and Ms. Williams chose my book! When she told me I was ecstatic! So, I was overly excited when I saw that door! I immediately went to meet the wonderful person who created that masterpiece just to extend my appreciation for such a job well done. The first two classes I read to were kindergarten classes and just like most of the kids I’ve encountered, they were experiencing bad dreams on a regular. They all desired comfort and an ear and I was sent to give it to them. They engaged by sharing their nightmares and so far, “Zombies” have a monopoly! Next, I was off to Ms. Williams Class and as I walked up, Ms. Saunders, who is our former Prophetess Jackie Saunders, was walking up with her class to join us! What a blessing this was! She gave me a big hug and told me that she had her kids drawing their dreams for me. She told me she was excited and couldn’t wait to hear it! This is the power of YHWH because Prophetess Jackie Saunders is one of the main reasons I joined the ministry. It was through her persistence in calling me to pray with me, YHWH touched me. When her number showed up on my caller id, I would debate answering her call, but each time, the Holy Spirit made me answer and receive every prayer, every word. When Jackie left the ministry, she repented for every rebuke she had ever given me. I stopped her because I couldn’t have her repenting for my progression. I couldn’t have her repenting for loving me as a spiritual mother. Although Jackie didn’t remain in the ministry to see the fullness of the fruits her prayers produced in my life, YHWH sent me to her as a reminder. So, I read to Ms. Williams and Ms. Saunders’s classes and these brilliant little souls asked questions and shared their dreams too. Then Principal Charity stopped in with a “thumbs up” smiling. Once I was done, Jackie asked me to stop by her class before I left to retrieve the dream pictures her students had drawn for me. I promised I would. I read to three more classes after that before it was time to go. Before I left I stopped by Jackie Saunders’s classroom to give her a brochure and ask if she had purchased Dr. Chris’s book. She told me she’d seen it on the website and that she would definitely get it! As I turned to leave, I turned back to say, “Jackie, I have you in my prayers always. I will never forget how you contributed to who I am today because of your prayers and dedication to YHWH by reaching out to me always.” She smiled and for those of you who remember Jackie, she said, “Oh awww yes, yes, Ameeeen.” I was proud because I had completed my task for this day outside of a bowl of oatmeal in ChaiYah’s hair when I returned home, but that is a whole different email! Saints, thank you for reading my testimony and please send the prayers as I push to become that famous author YHWH said I would be! I greatly love you all!" Pasha {The Pastor, The Writer, The World Changer} Pernell BetHaShemYHWH.org
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 02:44:46 +0000

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