Edgars (who is a longstanding member of this community wherever - TopicsExpress


Edgars (who is a longstanding member of this community wherever you may stand on the political spectrum vis a vis him) asks this of my concession that I cant any longer find a rationale for a theocracy..anywhere. Which sounds like common sense but is actually crossing a big scary conceptual boundary in my tribe. His response is not atypical -- it is what many of us, including my otherwise compassionate and usually reasonable relatives, ask -- what next? We are completely conditioned to believe that once you let down your guard vis a vis this Palestinian Arab majority it is curtains for us -- whether at the hand of raging homicidal fanatical Palestinian Arabs within the Holy Land, or else we would have to flee this sectarian violence and re-Diaporize, a situation in which we no longer feel safe; there is no safe harbor the narrative maintains. This is not trivial for a traumatized people. This is what makes it so hard to get past this impasse -- we go to the amygdala level, fears of survival. (this is one reason it has been important for me on this page to show many of us how many kind reasonable compassionate members there are of them.) That said -- what do you say to this? Why should Israelis have any assurance that if it is no longer an aggressively or even more cruelly--defended Jewish state narrowly defined -- Jews wont be victims of slaughter? The very few miles from East Jerusalem to the sea often comes up in this content (or whatever the narrowest point is)…. Please dont make fun or react with hostile language -- this is a serious question and really is at the heart of the impasse. I personally believe that democracy and human rights around the world keep us safer than a militarized theocracy but I see the gamble that is if you believe that a massacre is imminent... Edgars Freibergs: Naomi you need ask the most important question of your Palestinian (and supporters) readership. The very crux of the matter. Lets say they get their way. Lets say Israel is forced back into the 1967 borders (which are TOTALLY undependable from a military standpoint) Israel is reduced from 3 miles wide in some places. Lets say the Palestinians get their two State solution. What is to be done with Israel?? Will that be enough will that be enough for Peace with the Palestinians.. The answers will surprise you! Even shock you! Secondly, as Jewish American you should ask yourself. Can you live without a Jewish Homeland. A safe harbor in the world where Jews can feel safe and protected. Keeping in mind Naomi Wolf. That a hundred years ago (just hundred years ago) in Europe. When the Orthodox Jews came to town villagers locked up their children because it was well known Jews kidnap Christian children. Mobs would run Jews out of town tarred and feathered regularly. I know this because my grandfather was a cop had to investigate all screaming stupid Anti-Semitic claims. Even saved many from being lynched. So you “Liberal Jews” need to ask yourself SERIOUSLY Can you live in a world without Israel. A world without any Safe Harbor for the Jewish people. A world where the Jewish people WILL BE at the mercy of their host country.. Because if your Palestinians get their way.. That’s where you’ll be!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:54:15 +0000

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