Eleven year old Michael asks: Please do the right thing and - TopicsExpress


Eleven year old Michael asks: Please do the right thing and keep the internet free and open. Dear Chairman Wheeler, Ive learned through the INTERNET that private companies who provide BASIC services CANT discriminate. The electrical grid doesnt CARE whether you plug in a toaster, a hair dryer, or an X-Box. You plug it in, its ready to go. PRIVATE roads can have toll booths where people PAY to get somewhere faster, but on PUBLIC highways NO car gets special treatment. Would it be fair if public highways made deals with certain car companies to provide faster lanes for THEIR cars ONLY? Of course not. But thats what your plan would do to the internet. Internet providers could charge ransom and only the biggest, richest companies would be able to pay it. It would put TOLL BOOTHS on the INFORMATION HIGHWAY. I have a blog where I draw web comics. If big companies took too much bandwidth my blog would load A LOT slower, if it loaded at all. Im 11 years old, Chairman Wheeler. My PARENTS cant AFFORD the RANSOM money it would take to keep my blog viewable. Also, Im a gamer. The best gaming companies make the best games. I dont want a gaming world with game companies paying internet providers to let them HOG online space instead of creating GREAT games. And another thing: I homeschool. I learn a lot on the internet. I dont want only flashy companies like The History Channel telling me about the world. I want real people in real time telling me whats really happening. Heres my biggest problem with your plan: My mom and dad are activists who use a free and open internet to spread the word about important things the mainstream media wont talk about, like fracking and the TPP. If the wealthiest companies controlled the internet like they control whats shown on TV news, We, the People of the World, wouldnt be able to share stories and help each other. A lot of people need help in this world, Chairman Wheeler. Please do the right thing and keep the internet free and open. Sincerely, Michael Video: youtu.be/3EplEO6hjGs
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 01:38:57 +0000

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