Enjoy the remaining days of an unconscious life and having not to - TopicsExpress


Enjoy the remaining days of an unconscious life and having not to worry about survival and economic status! No more brainwashing, poisoning, manipulating, feeling separate from the group and feeling lost. You will get all your metaphysical talents and all the knowledge of the Universe back. So all those industries and professions exploiting your ignorance and compliance will dissolve into thin air. Not to worry any of you in those industries because your role will evolve and deepen into other missions. In this end game here Im feeling daring, in my power and Ive completely surrendered into faith. No more 3d thinking for me. I dont feel connected to the old programing or thought process anymore. Not going back! Im excited to find out who I am and who I was from my many lifetimes. Its been a privilege to serve my country, my world and the Universe. I didnt know if I was gonna make it. Many throw in the towel moments. I got through the pain stayed focused and in the end I relayed on my inner wisdom. I got balls! I went for it through myself in the game of getting the earth free of its prison master along with so many light workers and ground crew. This was a team effort! Im ready to party and get all the blessing promised! So look around! Record the time with your memory. We are the teacher and leaders of the Universe when it comes to defeating the dark and making it through. Thanks to everyones souls who came and left and who are off to another mission! Everyone will feel the honor to be here at this time once we all wake up! We are the bravest of the brave! No matter what role good or bad we came to play and learn and show the rest of our Universal family that indeed we can overcome and live in peace! Namaste and YAY! We did it!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 23:27:20 +0000

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