Evening All Three major outcomes from this evenings Tilehurst - TopicsExpress


Evening All Three major outcomes from this evenings Tilehurst Parish Council meeting: 1. We now have a full planning meeting, run and attended by the Parish Council on Saturday 16 August @ 1pm at the Cornwell Centre. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT AS MANY OF US GO TO THIS AS POSSIBLE - THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE BEING SEEN TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS OBJECTION WORKS IN OUR FAVOUR (sorry for shouty capitals!) 2. This meeting will also be attended by our West Berkshire Councillor, Emma Webster (decisionmaking.westberks.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=165) who not only took the time to listen to many of the points we had to raise, but was also very reassuring about what we need to do to lodge a credible objection to the proposed developments. Emmas role is to support the residents of Tilehurst, so we have made a very influential connection in this process. Emma is also arranging a leaflet drop in our area to let people know about the meeting on Saturday - thanks to everyone there this evening who has volunteered to help with this. 3. We have an expert in our midst. Jenny is an environmental expert who lives in the area of immediate impact and who knows and understands the right kind of arguments we need to include in our objections. She has kindly committed to outlining these in a document which can be distributed at the meeting on Saturday. This will help us to build a sound, credible case. We turned out in force this evening - at least 40 people from our area at a meeting which is usually attended by 2 or 3 members of the public. We were initially turned away as there was not room to fit us all in, but we held firm and the Parish Council Chair amended her meeting agenda to accommodate our request to be heard. Our presence has been duly noted and we have made a big step to ensuring our objections are firmly on the West Berkshire Council radar. It was also noted that a high number of objections have already been raised through the council portal for our area - amazing job to everyone who has done this so far, this has made a difference already. And the good news is that Councillor Emma also confirmed that you are able to add supplementary information to existing submissions, so any outputs from Saturdays meeting can still be tabled by everyone. I should also call out the Parish Council for their swift action - they were initially a little taken aback that wed turned up in such force, but within the hour we had decisive action which has resulted in Saturdays meeting. In short, as a group we have really made a difference to the potential outcome of this development proposal. Within the space of just over a week, we have rallied as a community, raised awareness of the plans well outside the initial area of communication, and have made some significant connections with people who can help and support our cause. Heres to green fields. rx
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:22:30 +0000

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