Ever since I sent out a regrettable snapchat, I have been - TopicsExpress


Ever since I sent out a regrettable snapchat, I have been stressing about it all night, especially thinking about what various people would think of what appeared to be my reaction to the outcome of the Mike Brown/Darren Wilson grand-jury decision (based on my snapchat). I do not normally write Facebook posts about clarification, but I am today: TO THOSE WHO MISUNDERSTOOD ME, my snapchat merely was focusing on LOCAL news events (specifically, it was focusing on reaction to the outcome of the Fergoson case here in Los Angeles). In case it was unclear, I NEVER once actually gave my opinion, nor commented on the outcome of the case in Fergosn, but rather I was simply commenting on reaction to that decision here in Los Angeles. I commend most protestors in Los Angeles for voicing their opinions, and for doing so peacefully. To those who misunderstood: my snapcaht simply reffered to the few protesting Angelenos who were not acting smart. Not only were these select few protestors being stupid, but also they were not listening to the California Highway Patrol as well as local law enforcement; as those few LA protestors decided to commit an illegal act by ignoring local law enforcement and going onto the 110 freeway when they were not allowed to, thereby blocking all traffic. This was not only an illegal and stupid decision, but also a selfish one, as those few protestors went on the freeway at the expense of innocent people simply wishing to go home. This poor decision put both the protestors and others in harms way. That is unquestionable in my mind. I must admit however that these protestors were a minority of those protesting IN LOS ANGELES, and most protestors in the City of Angeles did so peacefully yesterday evening, which I both respect and commend. I do not have a comment on the protestors in Fergoson. I will let others comment on that. I was merely commenting on a SELECT FEW number of protestors HERE IN LOS ANGELES. I hope I have made myself clear. In case I have not, more below: Meanwhile, for those who believe my snapchat showed my bias/my opinion with regards to the decision to not insight Darren Wilson, you may have a point as to how it could have seemed biased, as I can understand how that specific snapchat may have been misconstrued, but I stand by my words when I say I will not publicly give my opinion nor did I ever intend to. I will publicly remain neutral about the outcome of the case, but I think some misunderstood and perhaps misconstrued my snapchat as giving an opinion on the case. Allow me to make myself clear that I NEVER commented my feelings on the outcome of the case, but rather, simply on the poor behavior on some protestors in the LOS ANGELES area. For those who know me, I am a LOCAL NEWS-junkie. My snapchat was in response to LOCAL protests in Los Angeles, and not any national events. If protestors actually want their voice to be heard, I feel they should not act foolishly by burning down buildings or blocking Los Angeles freeways, but rather, they should do what the majority of Los Angeles protestors did, which is by voicing their opinions peacefully. It is sad how the few and minority can change the public image and change the discussion from talking about a better future to talking about the few stupid protestors. Today and forever more, allow us to hope for a better future for all, which includes a future with justice for all. And in conclusion, on a local level, allow us to continue to make Los Angeles Our Beautiful Los Angeles, the LA we all call home and come to love. Thank you. Note: Below is a picture of PROTESTORS IN LOS ANGELES (and NOT in Ferguson) blocking freeways. A similar picture to the one below was seen in my snapchat. In no way did the comment in my snap chat that included the words idiot protestors refer to the majority of protestors in LA and across the US, but rather, my comment only applied to those select few in the picture blocking the freeway in LOS ANGELES. My point exactly is that the local NBC LA News at 11:00 PM was focusing on this instead of focusing on justice for our future, which is the complete opposite of what voicing your opinion for a better future is supposed to do. If the protestors do not actually voice their opinions with regards to the case and with regards to a bette future, then people will come out of this news event trying to prevent stupid protestors in the future instead of hoping for justice for all in our future. Sorry such a long post -- just needed to clarify myself and get that message across.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:28:14 +0000

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