Every six months or so I meet people who tell me theyre looking - TopicsExpress


Every six months or so I meet people who tell me theyre looking for work, they havent been able to find a job in the last two years, I typically will give them an instruction, great, well I know we will be hiring people for project next week call me on Thursday morning at 10 AM. I have only received that call once. There are so many jobs out there looking for qualified people. It Is just harder to get a job if your actions are non-qualified. I was at a party the other day networking, I was speaking to an old friend who told me she was desperate for work. I asked her to define the work shes looking for. She could not answer that question. I asked her if she could design her perfect job what would that be, She could not answer that question. I asked her what rate she wanted, That question she could answer. She then came to the conclusion she was board and almost offended at the conversation. She was at a party, and did not want to talk about business. It was very sad actually, although I neglected to inform her, there was a position that I was hiring for and she was in the middle of a job interview. I subsequently filled the position with another candidate. I really like my friend and have a lot of respect for her, and was rooting for her that she would be the right person for the job. More jobs are landed at parties or events, then are ever landed in job interviews. If youre looking for a job, never give up, go out and mix and mingle. Do not worry about announced jobs, usually they are to hard to get, To many people wait until a job is announced. By the time it is announced there is a sea of competition for that position. The odds are against you. Even if you make it to the final 2 people you only have a 50% shot at getting the job. At networking events you can find jobs before they are announced. You can often be the only candidate. It is simply a numbers game. Even with high unemployment numbers in our country, there are more people working the not working. While this remains true, get out there and get yourself a gig. Done properly the odds are in your favor.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 21:56:04 +0000

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