Every time I watch the biography of Bob Marley on Netflix I am - TopicsExpress


Every time I watch the biography of Bob Marley on Netflix I am incredibly deeply effected and moved. Bob Marleys whole life, purpose for existence was based in deep devotion to Christianity. His whole life was driven and guided by the scripture of the Bible. He constantly went to the Bible for answers he sought in greater understanding. When he found out he had cancer he and his friends went straight to the book of Job in the Bible and read from it to find greater understanding. The book of Job which addresses Gods justice in the face of human suffering - or more simply, Why do the righteous suffer? His whole message was to not let worldly men, National leaders, deprive you of your God given natural born rights, liberties and freedoms... gifts from God and to worship God. He definitely did not live life from a Liberal perspective, but a Conservative perspective. A place where their are rules for self governance, personal behavior, personal responsibility, of ones life. Rules defined in the scripture of the Bible. The life of an evangelist. How to live Christian like, how to bring people together, how to show kindness, how to show and relish in love that is a gift from God too. To not focus on worldly materialistic things, but Spiritual things. He was a complete anti-secularist. Which is clearly revealed in the lyrics of his songs. He saw himself as an evangelist taking Christianity, the Bible, Gods word to the people of the world. That was his whole purpose in life. He saw his personal life as meaningless, but his personal religious purpose as everything, even if it meant losing his life in the process. His whole life was serving God and properly appreciating the gifts God has given us. His personal lifestyle and those of his associates was directly from the Bible. The need to stay physically strong, fit and healthy to better be able to serve the Lord, spread his message and lead by example... treat your body as a temple (Corinthians 6:19) The marijuana thing which might seem contrary to that concept, again is from the scripture, they interpreted as marijuana as a gift from God. He believed in being humble and showing humility... from the Bible. What a lot of people dont understand, is that Rastafarian religion IS Christianity. They believe too in the second coming of Christ. They just believe that the second coming of Christ was Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. The return of Jesus. Based on their own interpretation of the Bible. In this modern day secularist world, Im not sure anyone would actually recognize the second coming of Christ when he came. Who knows, maybe Haile Selassie is. I cant say, but thats the only difference between Rastafarian religion and pure Christianity. If they were/are right about who the second coming of Christ is. Then in fact they are the true, pure Christians. At this point, knowing what I know about the man and his life. I see it truly possible that Bob Marley himself could have been the second coming of Christ. Even though he never, ever made any such reference nor indication of personal recognition of such a concept. There is no one I recognize as pure in spirituality in history more than Bob Marley. Now truly understanding who he was, how he lived, his message, etc.. The complete irony between the false image of Bob Marley portrayed by media and societys of the world is. They were painting HIM as a law breaking, lacking of moral character, pot smoking, philandering, lawless heathen musician. When in truth his whole life was governed by the Bible and HIS people saw America as the land of the sinful and religious heathens. Bunny Wailer, quit the band when they were told they were going to have to play small clubs in America. Because, of the sinful nature of morality in American bars and clubs they would be exposed to completely against their religious beliefs. Bob Marley would not allow women to wear makeup in his presence, because he saw it as Babylonian, showing disrespect to God, those who had turned away from God. He would come out the door of his house in Jamaica and give significant amounts of money to hundreds of needy and sick people who would come for his humanitarian assistance. He never put safety of his own life a head of trying to serve good to humanity, the people. Very Christ like in how he lived. The whole marijuana thing with Rastafarianism is straight from the Bible in their interpretation. Marley did not see marriage as a creation of God, but a creation of man. Which in fact it is. Marriage began as a human contract, a man giving his daughter away in return for a dowry, money. Which is why he never lived marriage like society, man, defines it. Yet, he was always respectful, heart loyal, committed to Rita on the deeper level plain. Rita, whom also understood it the same way. Much like many cultures of the world. Bob Marley was socially rejected from his birth forward as a half-breed. He was born into utter poverty no American could ever imagine. He was rejected by his fathers family as illegitimate. His whole life was rejection until he found his religious faith. A religious faith that took him from a place of utter poverty, total social rejection to one of the most powerful voices in the world. After an assassination attempt in which a bullet scarred his chest and lodged in his arm, to try and stop him from doing a free concert that night in Jamaica to bring the Jamaican people together in a time of political violence strife. He decided that doing Gods work, of bringing together the people, was more important than his own personal safety. He was the only person able to get the leaders of both warring sides in Jamaica to shake hands in for the people in attempt to bring unity from the division. A lot of people dont know that Bob Marley once lived in America and worked at the Chrysler auto plant in Delaware. But, moved back to Jamaica because he didnt feel a true sense of freedom living in America. I got my parents a Roku for Christmas and yesterday I put on the movie Marley and we watched it. They too were booth deeply effected by the life of Bob Marley. Bob Marley might just be the most significant man of our time, yet also the most misunderstood by the people of the world. Which makes his gift to the world a loss. This movie really does serve to show the true gift to the world the man, Bob Marley was. The majority of the people of the world allowed their societal prejudices to define Bob Marley as something the complete opposite of who he was. I myself fell pray to the false narrative of who Bob Marley was based on the total ignorance of society and how he was presented to us by the media. Once you watch this movie and learn who Bob Marley was as a man and spiritual person and his purity there. You find yourself realizing Bob Marley maybe have just been the most significant man given to humanity in the 20th century. Ultimately, it was not about music, it was all about God. His music, the way he lived and his message he took to the world and in many ways changed the world. Everybody should watch this movie. Like myself and my parents at the end your will find yourself deeply moved feeling nothing less than, Wow. netflix/WiMovie/70232197?locale=en-US&mqso=81091916&titleVideoId=70232197&baAdId=3125508752&baKeywordId=20422619591&baBidMatchType=bb&baMatchType=e&baQueryString=marley,%20netflix
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:20:17 +0000

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