Exactly! Form over substance. What makes them sitting ducks for - TopicsExpress


Exactly! Form over substance. What makes them sitting ducks for open criticism is that they are emulating the Prophet so the expectation is high. Unfortunately, being a form over substance matter most are bound to fail ethics and morals wise. Why? Because the fundamentals of the sunnah itself is facade based. It is not value based lime the Quran. Apart from cover your bossoms a.k.a to visualize the observence of modesty, the Quran isnt big on facades. It doesnt tell you how a Muslim should look like beacuse there isnt a specific look for Muslims. Islam is universal, transcends race, locations, lingo, customs and traditions. Compare that with the hadiths and sunnah which have details on form (which are conveniently parroting one specific race, lingo and culture) but are almost empty on substabce. One cant help to think that perhaps the biggest derailment of Muslims from a value based Quranic way of life to a shallow and hollow form and facade based ritualistic lifstyle is not the work of the enimies of Islam in the conventional sense but an inside job sabotage by the paganistic arabs Tuan Hansac wrote: Orang pakai seluar pendek bukan representative atau wakil mana-mana agama. Rasanya tak ada agama di dunia ni yang menganjurkan penganut nya pakai seluar pendek. Orang yang berjubah berjanggut ni, kononnya nak ikut sunnah nabi. Jadi akhlak dia tu kita expect serupa atau menghampiri akhlak nabi lah. Kalau akhlak dia menghampiri akhlak babi, dia mencabul dan menghina kehormatan Rasulullah SAW dan Islam. Paham tak ni?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:59:54 +0000

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