Excerpts from The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking One: 14 Risks - TopicsExpress


Excerpts from The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking One: 14 Risks Everyone Needs To Take in Life: Life is a series of calculated risks – nothing more. Everything that you decide to do has a margin of risk. No outcome is ever 100 percent certain and, therefore, any attempt at anything has a chance of complete failure. We risk everything, every day of our lives without knowing it. There is always a chance that walking outside will kill us. Among the 14 RISKS, following made me realize and had a great impact: 4. Risk failing. Failing is both the worst and best thing that can happen to you. When you don’t fail, you succeed. When you do fail, you succeed at figuring out another way of not doing it – it just doesn’t feel quite as good. We too often allow our emotions to get in the way of logic. If you don’t risk failing, then you can’t succeed. Success requires risking failure – that is true 100 percent of the time. 6. Risk missing out in order to achieve something greater. FOMO among Generation-Yers is real. We don’t want to miss out on parties, get-togethers, chill sessions, festivals, concerts, nights out on the town. We’re afraid that staying in and getting some rest will make us miss out on something huge – life changing. Think about this: You’ve been making sure that you haven’t missed out on anything for years, how many of those experiences actually made a positive change in your life? 8. Risk making a mistake. Mistakes need to be made if you want to succeed in life – it’s how we learn. If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not trying enough things. In other words, you’re not living enough. Risk making those mistakes because they are the things that make our lives interesting enough to read about. 9. Risk losing friendships. Friendships can be great, but they can also be very restrictive. Following our dreams usually involves quite a bit of solitude. Friendships make it very difficult to take the time that you need to get the work done that needs to get done. In my opinion, true friends should support you and your dreams no matter what. They should understand that you may have to distance yourself a bit more and then work together to keep the friendship alive – even if you don’t see each other half as much. 12. Risk putting yourself out there and being judged. We hate being judged regardless of the fact that we do it all the time and that we are being judged all the time. Everyone always judges – it’s what we humans do. Put yourself out there and be judged. Since you’re not selling yourself to everyone – most people won’t be a significant part of your life – most of their opinions don’t really matter anyway. 13. Risk admitting that you don’t know. Not knowing is not something to be embarrassed about. There is a very fine line between knowing and not knowing. For example, one second I will know absolutely nothing about a topic and then two minutes later, after someone explains something to me, I instantly know something new. It’s crazy. And it only took a few minutes and not seconds. Knowledge is the easiest thing to accumulate, but only if you ask questions and risk admitting your lack of knowledge. 14. Risk opening up and being vulnerable. When it comes to relationships, opening up and revealing your full, true self is necessary. It’s a requirement of love I’m afraid. If you don’t open yourself up and make yourself vulnerable then your partner will never see the real you and therefore will never be able to love you for the real you. You have to risk it all to have it all. You have to risk giving yourself fully to the person whom you love if you want to experience the deepest level of love possible. What matters most is we tried and take the risk. We have to make the most out of it.:-)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 02:17:11 +0000

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