Expansion Regarding my views on religion I have received many a - TopicsExpress


Expansion Regarding my views on religion I have received many a curios messages involving eternal fires and clenching of teeth and more mundane earthly ideas involving baseball bats introduced in specific orifices not made for that purpose with details such as the lack of any kind of slippery substance to easy the entry. Anyhow, I have been accused of being racist, satanic and ignorant. Ignorance, in their point of view, is characterized by interest in the forces of nature, knowledge in secular and religious history and the ability to say, from the bottom of my heart - I DON’T KNOW! All this facts, they say, lead to being ignorance. True intelligence is to ignore all the evidence and research and stick to the word of some schizophrenic goat herder in the Bronze Age who had been lost in the desert for 40 years. So, I suppose I should, well I don’t, but I want to expand of what I think GOD is. I always hated authority, thus the figure of a Paternalistic God watching over making sure we don’t jerk off or covert our neighbors wife became, from the very beginning, ridiculous. Plus it doesn’t make sense that a guy who created the universe is worried weather you jerk off or not. So I decided to give it a thorough thinking. I created an equation; I call it - the God Formula. In it I equated the real world and information taken from holy books including the Bible, the Baghavat Gita, Koran and also many Atheists writings. I began with the Samhita. Samhita is, in the Vedic tradition, a process by which everything works. It requires three steps – the Known, the Knower and the process of knowing. You cannot have one without the other. You can only know thyself through your experience with others. I found this analogy in many religious doctrines, although with different names e.g. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. To make a long story short, I will say that all major dogmas include some kind of process by which the divinity knows thy self by some specific process. In the case of the Jewish god John 1-3 says first was the verb and the verb was with god and the verb was God. Verb is action. So the way I see it is that some kind of universal consciousness stood, static, unknown to thy self, unable to feel or experience itself. Through a specific process, call it big bang or anything you like, it began to expand, to project itself to itself. You may not make any sense of this. I sincerely don’t. The conclusion I have reached so far is this. God is not a separate being than anything in the universe. For God is the Universe. Rather, the Universe is a reflection of God experiencing itself. How do humans fit in all this? I don’t know. Haven’t gotten that far in the analysis. What I do believe though, is that humans suffer from arrogance and/or absolute stupidity. Arrogance will make us believe that in a Universe with dimensions reaching farther than our imagination, we, humans in this speck of dust are really important. Stupidity will take us the opposite road. Stupidity will take us to put God in a little box, looking up bitterly getting pissed at our actions. I will take none of these. I will not take a figure looking down or up on us but rather experiencing us through thy self and simultaneously us experiencing universal consciousness by the mere fact of belonging. For there is no separation between men and God, God is man and man is God. It is a responsibility to recognize divinity in ourselves and that scares the soul out of us. For when the plan is accepted, action is needed and you cannot blame things on mysterious ways or higher plans. I am starting to philosophize and that is not good, nor it is my purpose, so I will stop here and continue seeking myself through myself. Is there any other way?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:42:01 +0000

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