FALSE ALLEGATION WIPED AWAY THROUGH THE ANOINTING WATER Rev Mrs Osayi Lato opened an orphanage home a few years ago and in August this year, three officials from the government security services came to her house and told her that she had to report to their office immediately. The next day when she went to the government security office, they told her that she had been reported for selling a child to an American woman for 900,000 naira. They told her that because of the charge against her, they had to arrest her but that she should look for someone who could bail her out. Mrs Lato told them that she did not know anyone. She was arrested and in the prison cell. She then took the Anointing Water, which she always carried with her, and prayed in her heart that the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua should release her from the prison immediately. Miraculously, within a few minutes, she heard a woman’s voice franticly asking the prison wardens where the woman was that they had locked up and ordered them to release her immediately. She had never before seen the woman who had ordered for her release from prison. After her release, the case continued and the authorities closed Mrs Lato’s orphanage home and relocated the orphans to different orphanages without any investigation. Mrs Lato showed a picture of a child who was abandoned in front of the orphanage home in an extremely skinny and underfed condition. She explained how he was only one of many orphans who she had nursed back to health. She continued to use her Anointing Water and prayed that God should restore the orphanage home. One day, she received a call saying that her troubles were over as the woman who had laid the accusation against her had been removed from her position. After the new commissioner of women affairs was appointed, she called Mrs Lato and said that she wanted to come and see the orphanage home which was closed. When the commissioner saw the orphanage home, she said that it was the best orphanage home she had ever seen and immediately ordered that the orphanage home should be re-opened and all the orphans should be returned to the orphanage. Glory be to God! Rev Mrs Osayi Lato’s orphanage home is now flourishing.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:04:08 +0000

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