FALSE GOSPEL that keeps you in bondage: You need to be born again - TopicsExpress


FALSE GOSPEL that keeps you in bondage: You need to be born again so you can enter heaven when you die and escape hell. Only If you accept Jesus, is the only way to escape hell when you die. In the mean time, blame all to the devil and suck it up while you fight against him. Although Bible teaches we have victory over devil and the Spirit of God is within, somehow he seems to win very often. But dont worry....when you die, you will finally enjoy and have peace, till then....be strong. TRUE GOSPEL that sets us free now: we were born out of carnality and were told who we were carnally. we then began leaving in hell, here now. we believed we were sinners, good for nothing, not good enough, and nothing good came from us. So to be born again, would be to let go of all those lies taught to us at home and church, and finally be born of the Spirit - to believe that as Sons of God - Spirit- we are as perfect as Jesus was. As we think of Jesus, we think of perfection. Bible says, that as He is, so are we in this world. So if we are born again, that means we now know the truth of our true identity: Spirit - perfection, in His image. as we receive the message of Christ - Christ within - we escape hell, but not after we die-----we escape the hell we create ourselves here on earth by believing the lie that we are sinners; therefore, manifest sin and messed up lives. no matter which religion you belong to: we effortlessly manifest what we believe. In the mean time, we experience heaven on earth - not blaming a devil, but owning the responsibility of our thinking. Being guided by the Spirit of perfection within and not by our carnal mind (evil - or lie) (no wonder Jesus called him, father of lies). Yes, Jesus did come to save us, but not from hell after we die, but from a life of lies that manifests hell on earth. He did save us from hell. But the hell we continue to create here on earth. And so we begin to experience heaven on earth now, today. and what about when we die....well, we dont die ever. we are eternal, no beginning, no end. created in His image: Spirit (only we did not know it). Our body might end and die, but we, the real us, Spirit, will continue in our journey of Love. Love, Bea My desire is that all, in 2015, discover who we really are and begin to enjoy heaven on earth today.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:58:28 +0000

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