FRIST 4 COMMANDMENS**SHEMOTH:EXOD:20 :2-17 MatithYAHUW :MATT: 22;37-38 *DebariYA/DT:6;5 2d KIN:23;25 THE GREAT COMMANDMENTS IS ALL THE 10 COMMANDMENTS MatithYAHUW:[MATT] :22;37-YAHUWSHUWAH [jesus ] said to him,ALL THE COVENANT WORDS [ commandments ] ARE PERFECTED in this YOU SHALL LOVE YAHUWAH [lord] your ALMIGHTY EL with all your HEART ,with ALL YOUR MIND and with ALL YOUR RESOURCES [ soul] Debar:6;5 [ deut]: 1: I AM YAHUWAH [ god ]THE ALMIGHTY ETERNAL LOVING YAH. Creating HIS PEOPLE, who brought you out Of the land of Mitseri [ egypt] ,out of the house of bondage.YOU SHALL HAVE NO Elohyim [g -d ] Before your face. 2: YOU SHALL HAVE NO Elohim [ g-ds ] BEFORE YOUR FACE.DO NOT manufacture NOR Consume for YOURSELF any contamination,NOR ANY IMAGE to WORSHIP,NOT ANYTHING that Is in ShamaYAim[ HEAVEN ] above ,or that is in the EARTH beneath ,or that is in the WATER under the earth. 3: YOU SHALL NOT bow [ subjugate ] yourself down to it,NOR SERVE them,for I, YAHUWAH [ lord ] your ALMIGHTY LOVING YA of ALL CREATION, I AM THE** ONLY ** ALMIGHTY ETERNAL LOVING ONE. THE sins Of the fathers are passed on to their children,even to the third and forth generation of those who IGNORE ME. YET I send loving invitations a thousand times to every generation of those who seek To LOVE ME and KEEP MY WORDS. [commandments ]. ************************************************************************************* 4:DO NOT TREAT MY*** NAME** YAHUWAH*** ALMIGHTY LOVING YA of ALL CREATION as unimportant for I CANNOT HOLD him sinless who treats*** MY NAME** AS UNIMPORT,for it is THE FIRST GATE of SALVATION. REMEMBER the* Shabbath day*,to keep it QadUWsha [set apart by YAHUWAH for salvation] [ set apart for SALVATION Teaching by YAHUWAH. YOU SHALL labor *SIX DAYS *and DO ALL your work, BUT the *SEVENTH DAY *is QadUWsha.[ set apart by YAHUWAH for salvation ] YOU SHALL Labor SIX DAYS and do all your work BUT the seventh day is THE PLEDGED DAY [ shabaUWoth] to YAHUWAH the ALMIGHTY ETERNAL LOVING YAH who IS CREATOR HIS NATION. YOU SHALL NOT do Any work in it, NOR your son,NOR your daughter,your male servant,NOR your female servant , NOR Your livestock,NOR your stranger who is within your gates,for in six days.*YAHUWAH* made the ShamaYAim[ heavens] and the EARTH,the sea and ALL that is in them BUT HE RESTED the*** seventh day,***Therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Shabbath [ seventh,] pledging day and made it QadUWsha [ set apart by YAHUWAH FOR SALVATION] ************************************************************************************* YashaYAHUW,3449, the SAVIOR is YAHU [ sn -isaiah] :58;13-IF THOU TURN AWAY THY FOOT FROM THE **SABBATH**,DOING THY PLEASURE ON MY RUWach [ holy ] day;and call the SABBATH a delight,the RUWach of YAHUWAH, HONOURABLE; and SHALT HONOUR HIM,NOT doing thine own ways,NOR Finding thine own pleasure,NOR speaking own words. 14;THEN SHALT THOU DELIGHT thyself in YAHUWAH; and I WILL cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the Heritage of Yaaqob [ jacob ] THY FATHER: for the mouth of YAHUWAH hath spoken it. *****YAHUWchanon:[ sn-john]: 15;10-IF YOU ****GUARD****[ keep] MY WORDS [ commandments,] YOU WILL REMAIN [ h8104,protect ][ g5083,eye upon ] IN MY LOVE,EVEN AS I HAVE KEPT YAHUWAH MY FATHERS WORDS AND REMAIN IN HIS LOVE AbraYAHUW [ SN-HEBREWS].11:1-NOW FAITH IS THE ASSURANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR,THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN. 6: WITHOUT FAITH.IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM,FOR HE WHO COMES TO ALMIGHTY LOVING YA OF ALL CREATION MUST BECOME CONVINCED THAT HE EXISTS AND THAT HE IS THE REWARD OF THOSE WHO SEEK HIM. ***SABBATH IN STRONGS h7673, to repose,rest. REVELATIONS: 22;18,19- Debar [ sn-deut:28:16,30 &4;2 &12;32:
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:21:13 +0000

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