Faith Basics Part - 8 Romans 10:13 --- For whoever - TopicsExpress


Faith Basics Part - 8 Romans 10:13 --- For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. The question Can God save me? has been asked by millions of people. Not only can God save you, but the truth is that ONLY GOD CAN SAVE YOU! Life may be difficult. Being a Christian may pose all kinds of problems in this world because the world does not know Jesus. The world does not love Him. The world does not understand why He came. You, on the other hand, do know Jesus. You do love Him. And, you do understand why He came! The world offers you vices, self-fulfilment and greed. And if you do not conform, you will be ridiculed, mocked and attacked. The evil one in the world is at war with you. On the inside, you struggle against sin, pride, lust, greed and various desires. On the outside, you struggle against illness, poverty, marital problems, job difficulties, an unsure future and more. What do you do when life is coming down on you hard or when there seems to be no way out? When you are worried or afraid? When you are in distress? The answer lies in the Word of God! The Word says whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. This is an important truth to meditate on and believe with all your heart. When we place our hope in Jesus, we will never be disappointed. Psalm 34:22 ---The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned. Jeremiah 17:7 --- Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. By placing our confidence in the Lord we do not have to worry about anything. The whole package of healing, protection and preservation will be received by those who trust in God. All it takes is to trust Him as your Saviour and look to Him as your Lord. But you will ask, What happens to all the people who never hear about Jesus? And rightly so. Romans10:14 --- How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? The Apostle Paul spent years telling unreached people about Jesus and gathering the resulting converts into churches. What St. Paul did is still needed today. There are people on earth - lots and lots of them --- who have to yet hear the name of Jesus. They have no inkling of what God did in Christ Jesus to reconcile the world to Himself. We may think that Romans 10:14 is mainly calling us to share the Good News with our next-door neighbours, some of whom have only hazy ideas of the Gospel. While God does want all His lost children found, focus is put specifically on those having no access to the Gospel. If I (Br. Johnson) had not heard about Jesus, I would not have believed in Him. I was introduced to Him by a preacher who preached and explained to me the Gospel. He explained how the scriptures work and demonstrated this to me in my very own life and situation. This gave me an understanding (practical working knowledge) of the Word of God. I knew now that the God I serve is a living God! My Faith increased! My thirst for the Word of God increased! My relationship with my God grew stronger and stronger until I could no longer stay silent about His awesome Glory. I realised that I had to share the understanding of His greatness with everyone. It didnt matter whether it was one person on the street or a couple of hundreds in an auditorium - I had to preach about my Jesus! Once I give them the basic understanding of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit takes over and reveals all that needs to be known to them. Their confidence in the Lord Jesus saved and redeemed them. Trusting in Him, provided security to them in this insecure world. Since God does not show favouritism, they know without a shadow of doubt that they are saved through faith in Him! What counts above all else is faith working through love,(Gal5:6) works of love directed to ones neighbour are the most perfect external manifestation of the interior grace of the Spirit --- Pope Francis ********** For prayer request : loveofchrist007@gmail Please write your TESTIMONIES to this e-mail to know others Gods Glory. Contact : Br. Alwyn : 8147806216, Br. Moras : 9886396877, Br.Vinod Tobit : 9035186441, Br.Vinod Kumar : 9900429747, Br.Mahesh : 9741816463, Sis. Mary : 8147239973, . ********* Videos on healing & preaching ( Kannada ) @ youtube/jcilmmysore
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:10:22 +0000

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