Figuring out whether there is a spirit or ghost in your house is a - TopicsExpress


Figuring out whether there is a spirit or ghost in your house is a question people seem to be asking themselves all the world over, and have done so all the way back to ancient times. Different cultures, countries and faiths have documented different types of otherworldly spirits throughout the ages and accounts vary from spiritual contact through medium ship and séance, to the Biblical passages associating spiritism, to forbidden occult activity. In short, although the idea of the supernatural is culturally universal, ghosts and spirits seem to have been making themselves known in different ways and forms for a while now. Working out whether there is a spirit present in your house, or not, might begin by working out what kind of spirit you should or might be looking out for. One thing that remains consistent throughout many accounts, is the link between a spirit and a physical location on earth, so a good starting point would be to do some research on your house, or location. Look into possible previous occupants, the history of the local area, the land on which your house is built; all these questions could reveal the likelihood or even an explanation for any supernatural activity. A common reason, thought or given for spirits to be haunting a specific location is because that location was the scene of some sort of scene of violence or betrayal - that resulted in a death, often ghosts are portrayed as being vengeful. Another suggestion is that when a spirit gets trapped between our world and the next world, it is likely to return to the place where its energies and memories are the strongest. Like a favorite location from their past! In modern times, people have reported everything from visual signs like inanimate objects moving and/or visions of ghosts, to auditory evidence like whispers, moaning or screaming, or even particular smells and odors becoming prominent during supernatural experiences. Skeptics have come up with various possible scientific explanations ranging from tectonic activity to changes in air pressure that might explain physical occurrences that we cannot currently understand, but the truth is that reports of haunting continue, and can either vary greatly or be completely identical from one case, to another. You will know if you actually believe in ghosts. If you dont, then you will more than likely never feel that sensation, as they wont actually exist for you. On the other hand if you are a believer then you will experience changes in the room temperature, slight smells that are unfamiliar to you and cannot be explained by any of your regular odors. Depending on how intuitive you feel to the other side, then you will be able to feel the presence of the entity and will possibly be privy to hearing them breathe or brush against you. *Sometimes hauntings seems to happen a lot to people who are having issues in their lives and are going through, or have gone through, a certain amount of stressful trauma. Not always, but more times than not. This heightened emotional state would seemingly tune you in to a higher sense of attachment to the spirits as your emotional state is open unguarded and lacking inhibition, this would be the optimum emotional condition to feel a ghosts presence. Another way is to wait till it is dark and sit in the room where you feel your ghost may be. If youre brave enough, close your eyes and focus your mind on just the ghost and being open to receive any message they have for you. Open your eyes after a couple of minutes and look around the room, if you are lucky they will show themselves to you. Sometimes you can smell phantom smells, like cooking, and you know the windows are closed and you have not been in the kitchen. In the shower, you can hear the voices from a television, when no one is home. You wake up at the same time each night, by a hard thud, like the sound of something hitting the floor, but there is nothing that dropped. You may even hear your name whispered. The cupboards in the kitchen visibly open in front of you or your entire family. The bathroom door, completely shut, opens in front of you. Two family members may report hearing the same sounds, without the knowledge of each other before hand. Things move in front of you. The ground around your chair shakes and shakes the water bottle on your cabinet. Things are moved, your bag or purse is unexpectedly opened although no one is around. You get angry, tell it to shut up, and all of the sudden everything is quiet. The dog barks at absolutely nothing, all of the time, and shakes nervously. A flash of something flits past, and you know you saw it. SMUDGING IS JUST THE OPINION OF H.O.P.E. Maybe you need to smudge your entire home. Buy a sage bundle to burn. You can order one for $3.00 Online. Go from room to room, especially get all the corners of the house, open all closet doors and continue to burn the sage-stick. While you are burning it, meditate in your mind or out loud, tell them they must leave and that they must leave immediately and never return, this is not their home, they do not belong here, if you are of the Christian faith, remember Jesus is your savior and protector. Say this and positive things to that affect over and over while smudging. MAKE SURE you leave windows open even if just an inch or 2. The smoke from the sage will attach to the entities in the house and will drift out through the windows. After you have smudged, say a prayer of thanks that the negative spirits and energies leaving. Play some feel good music and then use rosemary incense burning for peace, tranquility and cleanliness in your home. You will notice how much lighter the energy feels in your home after doing this. *Some negative spirits or entities can really do damage mentally. They can make you feel down, depressed, angry, anxious, without you even realizing. This is not good. The smudging will help a lot if you are serious about it. There are many folks we come in contact with that like the spirit or ghosts that occupy and share their home. If that is you, thats fine! If you or your family does not feel any uneasiness with your guest(s), you are not alone. Our family lived in a haunted home for 15 years, and our guests actually protected us. They even made us better people. Smudging with Sage has become very popular in the last decade, with many people wanting their homes or offices cleansed. There are many positive reports of its effectiveness. It may be because the participants truly believe in the power smudging has... and maybe that belief IS the power. There are so many unanswered questions in the paranormal world. This is just another one... H.O.P.E. ©2014 {{Canda}}
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:52:24 +0000

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