Flying over The Tar Sands (which, alone, is changing Mother Earths - TopicsExpress


Flying over The Tar Sands (which, alone, is changing Mother Earths climate) youtube/watch?v=p9qd_cvSyxE >>>Dear Friends across Canada and Mother Earth, The government and Big Oil are pushing for a project that could devastate the land and harm my people, but Neil young is speaking out, and we can all help by joining the call. Click now and share with everyone: My name is Allan Adam and I’m the Chief of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. By now I’m sure you’ve heard how the government and Big Oil CEOs are slamming Neil Young for speaking out on the Tar Sands and their harm to my people. But if you join Neil and me, I believe that together we can turn this into something very meaningful for us all. The government just approved a giant Shell company project on our land in Alberta, even though it admits it will likely wreak havoc on the land and water my people depend on -- and infringe on our treaty rights. But with Neil getting people talking, the government and Big Oil are worried Canadians will start to question the unchecked expansion of the Tar Sands, making it harder to spend billions more on them. The Prime Minister won’t budge unless he thinks he could lose support from conservative and undecided voters. Let’s show him Canadians of all political leanings want respect for our rights and the land. Click below and Avaaz will deliver all our voices directly to the government. Sign now: 114 years ago my people signed a treaty with the Government of Canada. The Shell project as it stands will break that treaty. So we’re taking legal action to get a court review of the mine. We can’t wait – the cancer rate of my people living downstream from the Tar Sands is through the roof. And industry plans to more than double production of the Tar sands, one of the world’s dirtiest forms of oil. So this is about protecting the environment we all cherish. The government doesn’t want Canadians thinking about these things. That’s why they’re paying public relations companies millions and millions to promote the Oil Sands – instead of engaging with the ACFN and other First Nations. And then along comes Neil Young and disrupts their story. That’s why Neil’s got the Prime Minister and Big Oil worried – they know Canadians are starting to listen. So please join us, and Avaaz will make sure the media and the PM know that Canadians across the country and the political spectrum want to end the poison and destruction caused by unchecked tar sands expansion. Sign now by clicking on the link below: We are a proud people, and we will keep fighting for our rights, for the well-being of our land, and for the rights of every Canadian to have a conversation about the real impacts of the Tar Sands, one of the most important issues of our time. I’m honoured by your support. With hope and solidarity, Allan Adam, Chief of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, with Avaaz PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community. Its easy to get started - click to start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: SOURCES Neil Young rips into conservatives over oil sands (Toronto Star) thestar/news/canada/2014/01/12/neil_young_rips_into_conservatives_over_oilsands.html Honor the Treaties -- Legal Challenge to Project “Jackpine” (Neil Young and the ACFN) Poll of Albertans -- 77% support for Neil Young message (Edmonton Journal) edmontonjournal/entertainment/Poll+feel+about+Neil+Young+attacking+oilsands/9378167/story.html Shell’s Jackpine mine gets nod from Ottawa, despite environmental effects (Global) Oil Sand Reality Check (Tar Sands Solution Network) Oilsands emissions to quadruple by 2030: Government Report (Huffington Post)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:59:53 +0000

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