For all of you asking about Little Moe the baby cockatiel.... He - TopicsExpress


For all of you asking about Little Moe the baby cockatiel.... He put up the best fight Id ever seen.. but sadly passed away last night. I buried him this morning next to our aviary :( There could have been some kind of bacterial infection which caused his crop to slow. I take weights every morning as its such a good indicator if something is wrong when weight decreases. The first day, just over a week ago he lost 2 grams, that day I jumped into action with a little apple puree with his formula - this will often break up food in the crop and help it to drain. After two days it was making just a small amount of difference. His weight was going up and down with his crop not fully draining overnight. Over the week I was in contact with 2 different vets, with us trying several ways to help him. 7 days after the first weight loss he was back up to a good weight. I thought he would pull through - he was lively, chirpy, affectionate.. such a sweetie! Until a couple of days ago he started to lose weight again and went downhill so fast. So far over a few years of hand rearing I have only lost 3 babies - I tried raising them from day 1 as the parents abandoned them, I got them to 5 weeks old and they passed away. I was told by the vet there was nothing more I could do, after having them checked. I guess with breeding birds, some dont make it, just the same as in the wild. As sad as it may be, thats just the way it goes. But as a breeder, I always blame myself first.. what did I do? What didnt I do? What could I have done? There are many more babies that lose their lives while still in the nest, to things like being squished by older siblings, attacked by other birds. I always think if only I had taken it to hand raise .. I know I can never raise them all and its so important for the parents to raise some young. I check them several times per day, but something terrible can happen in such a short time. Im heartbroken for losing him, for seeing his health decline, but while he wasnt giving up, I wouldnt either. Thank you to all the people posting support, advice and well wishes. When I started this page, I knew that sometimes we differ in opinions about how we keep our pets, what we do to give them a good life etc and I knew I needed to be prepared for negative comments or people disagreeing with me.. but I am so blessed to have so many people who are just here to share their love of birds, or animals. Thank you for supporting me through good times and the bad. I hope from now on during this season I can bring you good news.. and lots of happily ever afters RIP Little Moe, you were a little fighter. We love you baby bird xx
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:00:44 +0000

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